This Sway Beast, my perfect puppy, makin me proud. Still work to be done but this run finished Open Regular title. Movin on up with this girl. 🩷
Proof paying $0, $50, $500, $5000 doesn’t decide the value of your dog. What YOU do can make a difference, not always impeccable breeding. This boy, Remi, was supposed to be thrown in the river by a rancher who said he was no good for working livestock. This handler rescued him at the last moment. What a team!
Briley, Elite Regular Agility I
Merdyn had an amazing weekend of agility at Rocky Mountain Dog Sports trial in Red Lodge MT. She had 13/14 clean qualifying runs, won Vet Dog High point and earned her NATCH-7. So proud to be a partner to this 12 year old girl. Thank you Daniel Edwards for judging and YDS for an excellent facility.
Oh my perfectly imperfect puppy! This was a fun grounders course. And the end is a perfect example why your “Go On” is so important.
Working on recal work and going for long walks while David continues day two of his Paula Goss seminar. Sway does well because she comes back, gets a reward, and gets to continue exploring. She also is good to look back to find me and can continue exploring. Coming back doesn’t mean she has to leash up necessarily. Would love to test her with a rabbit.
Finally day 2 of Rena’s June seminar. My apologies for not getting much video or pictures of everyone. I apparently visited too much when I should have been doing photos and video. I may get fired🙄
Second run. Ran out of room at the line. She did good considering.🩷
1st run Open Chances. Good girlie!
Slowly getting pictures and video caught up. Let me know if I owe you graduation pics.
I was able to get a little iMovie together to show contact styles for the A-Frame and Dog Walk. One last bit to be aware of is some people opt for a running A-Frame and a stopped Dog Walk or vice versa. We do some basic training, starting with mats, on the contacts in classes but it’s an involved process. What contact style will you train?
Novice Chances with my Boop. ❤️
Novice Chances with Boop❤️