This is me training my dog 😊 For Aspie she is mostly right and never wrong. And the number one rule is that we have fun! It’s a must!
I’d say: Training goal achieved!
#dogtraining #havefunwithyourdog #whippet
There is something so special about walking in the woods with dogs 💜
Aspen has been having tummy troubles so we have put any real training on hold while I figure it out (don’t worry we are working with our vet and things are looking up, by the way!).
The time off from thinking about my goals for her and I has been really good for us, and has given me space and time to really reflect on some things.
I wrote a blog on some of my thoughts. Give it a read if you are so inclined! Link in bio 💜
Much love to you all
#dogtraining #positivereinforcement #playwithyourdog #puppyraising
I am DYING of cuteness 😭💜 #puppyraising #puppysocialization
Husbandry and cooperative care are some of my top priorities with Aspen. Part of ensuring her welfare and ensuring I can take care of her is helping her be ok with being handled: having her nails clipped and having her ears, eyes, mouth, body checked. My goal is for her to be totally comfortable with most of it (in reality, there will probably be times where she’s uncomfortable).⠀
We are just at the beginning of our husbandry/cooperative care journey. Only recently has she started offering her paw and doing a chin rest fluently in my hand. Prior to this I have been touching her all over and pairing that with treats and that has been going really well!⠀
In this video I am working on developing her chin rest and paw behaviors into start buttons. Placing her chin in my hand means I will check her ear. Giving her paw means I will pick up the nail clippers and touch them to her paw. The idea is to have her opt into having her ear checked/having the nail clippers touch her paw. ⠀
She does not have to offer either, but you can see that she does! I love start buttons for cooperative care!⠀
And I’d just like to add that if your dog is uncomfortable with being handled, it’s ok and it’s no reflection on you. We all (humans and dogs both) are doing our best 💜 start where you’re at and just do your best 💜⠀
#puppyraising #positivereinforcement #positivedogtraining #husbandry #cooperativecare
Best game ever? Playing in a pile of leaves 😂 #bostonterrier #whippet
Let’s talk real life with a puppy: it can be FRUSTRATING!⠀
There’s no way around the fact that we are human and we have feelings and good days and bad days too. ⠀
I’m learning that #whippets are incredibly sensitive and this level of sensitivity to my emotions is new to me. It’s a real challenge! And my relationship with Aspen is so important! I don’t want to damage it!⠀
So, I’m working on two things: being silly during difficult times and counter-conditioning certain things I may say and certain noises I may make when I’m frustrated.⠀
Thanks to @superpupacademy for all the support and good ideas!
#puppyraising #positivereinforcement #positivedogtraining
Our very first paw targeting shaping session! 😊 #whippet #positivereinforcement #clickertraining
We are FINALLY getting to training some foundation behaviors!!!! 🎉🎉🎉⠀
This is our third hand touch session and I’m still learning what motivates Aspen, how to keep her engaged and how to clearly communicate to her what I’m looking for. We’re getting there!⠀
With the hand touch, I start crouched down with my hand right in front of her cute, long snoot. Then I took a step back (still crouched) so she had to get up to boop her snoot. Then, I stood up. Then I starting adding distance while standing to get her to move/move into me!⠀
I’ve learned a lot already! ⠀
1) The position of my hand matters to Aspen (fingers pointing down, not sure why but that’s where we’re at!)⠀
2) Aspen LOVES praise and affection (while Jenna actually seems to prefer silence as she works things out so this is new for me!)⠀
3) Aspen needs super short, and successful, repetitions (1-3 successful reps then get outta there and party!) ⠀
SuperPup Academy has been SO helpful! Yes, I’m a dog trainer BUT you still need other sets of eyes on your work and help problem solving! No person is an island and I’m so grateful to my dog training community for supporting me and helping me on this journey! ⠀
#puppyraising #positivereinforcement #positivedogtraining
Just a little Voluntary Sharing 😊 (a wonderful Control Unleashed exercise by the amazing Leslie McDevitt)⠀
While Jenna doesn’t live with me full time, her and Aspen will be seeing a lot of each other. I don’t have experience managing a multi-dog household; but I’m learning (and hopefully will be successful). ⠀
Jenna started to display some resource guarding behavior around Aspen (it’s a big change for Jenna too!) so we’re working through it! This exercise is great for that!⠀
As you watch the video, Jenna does her start butting behavior (chin to the ground). When she performs this behavior, I immediately feed Aspen and then I feed Jenna. Jenna’s start button (chin down) essentially is her saying, “Ok, you can feed Aspen” and she knows she’ll get a treat right after too. This exercise is absolutely brilliant, in my opinion!⠀
If you don’t know about Control Unleashed you should definitely check it out!⠀
#whippet #bostonterrier #controlunleashed #puppyraising #positivereinforcement
I am so proud of this team!!! In this video Stella’s owner is working on developing a start button behavior.⠀
I love using start buttons as a way for the dog to opt in (or out) of having something happen to them whether it’s something going over their head (like Stella and Beth are demonstrating) or getting their nails clipped or being touched etc. This is also known as a consent behavior.⠀
Working with your dog in this way let’s them know that they have some control. If you think about it, dogs generally don’t have a lot of control in their lives. We choose what food they eat, we control at what times of the day they eat, when we go for walks we often choose where we go, and so on. For this reason, it’s so important to give them some control over their lives (keeping safety in mind of course!) and start buttons are just one great way to do that.⠀
I can’t say enough how proud I am of Beth for her dedication to Stella and Stella’s well-being 💜⠀ ⠀
#dogtraining #dogtrainer #positivereinforcement #positivedogtraining
We both love learning new things 😊 And I can tell you I don’t plan on stopping anytime soon!⠀
#dogtraining #dogtrainer #positivereinforcement #positivedogtraining #bostonterrier #agility #alwayslearning