Which symptoms are you struggling with?
Have you been taught to address the symptoms or the cause?
But when you address the CAUSE rather than putting band-aids over the symptom, you can make big changes.
Once you know HOW to determine the cause of the problems your horse is having, WHY, and WHAT you can do to FIX them, then you can relax and ride with the CONFIDENCE that you can handle anything that comes up, you can troubleshoot in the moment, and you can reach a level of collaboration and dialogue with your horse that eludes you when you are focused on the problems rather than the solutions.
So… How do you do this?
You select riding exercises which are designed to help the horse find his balance and improve his body awareness.
These exercises develop the horse physically, but also develop the horse intellectually, so that the horse is a willing partner in the training process.
You develop your own theoretical understanding so that you see how all the individual parts of the horse work together as a holistic system.
You develop your own awareness and coordination so that your seat and aids are in harmony and can communicate unambiguously with the horse.
When you are able to understand…
the real cause of the problems you are having and differentiate between symptoms and causes, then you can finally break out of the dead-end cycle of doing the same thing over and over again and hoping it eventually yields a different result.�
The solution…
You can learn to use a variety of combinations of the seat, the aids, exercises, and movements to FIX all of these CAUSES (and stop getting stuck on the symptoms).
And this is EXACTLY what we teach our students in our entirely online Contact and Connection course.
We developed a system that helps you to achieve results faster, riding your own horse, learning in the comfort of your own home.
Learning to ride “Back to Front” was never before THIS MUCH FUN!!
The 2024 Contact and Connection Course with Ritter Dressage. Starting April 5, 2024.
15 weeks of Theory, Gymnastic Exercises, Instructional Videos, Feldenkrais lessons, Rider Imagery Lessons, and Live Q&A sessions with Thomas Ritter.
Enrollment is only open for a limited time because we begin soon. Your time to enroll is right NOW.
Get the full details and enroll here: https://courses.artisticdressage.com/contact-and-connection-course