Moon's Story:
On July 31st, 2023, I adopted Moon from the Huron County Dog Warden. My family had no backstory, just told that she won't walk easily on a leash & that she wasn't fixed. Once she arrived home, she was settling in well and snuggling with family members. I took her out in the cyclone fenced in yard on a leash to use the restroom, but she wouldn't walk on the leash. I made the mistake of letting her off the leash to go potty, thinking she was safe in the fence and I was supervising her. She did her business & walked back towards the door. She got a glimpse of my father from the door way- suddenly turned around, frantically ran, and jumped the fence. We immediately started searching for her. Myself and my family made multiple Facebook posts on local pages to look for her location. On one of these post, the woman who originally reported Moon to the dog warden reached out to me. She told me that Moon had been living in the woods for around 4 months prior to the dog warden catching her and that she believed Moon to be a dumped puppy mill dog from the Mennonites in the area. It took dog warden 4 months trap her in a box trap, primary because she was so skittish and untrusting. I found out from the woman that Moon never learned to trust anyone in that 4 month time frame, especially men. She was scared of men.
Meanwhile, through calls/texts received from lost dog posters and Facebook posts, I found out that Moon was 3 miles from home, staying in one specific area. For 3 months, I spent countless nights baiting the a box trap I borrowed, hoping she would eventually go in. Kelly Root assisted with this process and with coming up with ideas to trap Moon. Unfortunately, since she was already been trapped in a box trap, she refused to go in again. She tried shutting her into a shed that trained to go in. She could smell us, despite wearing a gilly suit and refused to go in. Moon still refused to go in to the box trap, instead circling the trap each night.
We contacted multiple pet rescues in Ohio, all of which were overwhelmed and unable to assist. It was commended we build our own Missy trap.
A Missy trap is a large humane trap designed to capture skittish dogs. However, it was expensive to build one. A dog rescuer in Florida heard Moon's story through social media in November 2023, and offered to assist us. Through donations made by Huron County residents, we were able to purchase the equipment needed to build the trap. The dog rescuer, Maranda Wyatt, sent camera equipment to monitor her and an Angel tripper.
The Angel tripper is an important aspect of the trap. It has an invisible ray that goes across the back of the trap that triggers the magnetic door to shut, much like a garage door. A remote system shuts on and off the beam sensor, to prevent the capture of wild life in the trap. It is able to be activated immediately upon seeing the dog on the live stream camera.
On December 4th, 2023, Moon was going all the way to the back of trap and final step to catch her went underway. Myself and Kelly sat in the car near the trap with the remote, with Maranda on the phone. Maranda was watching a live stream of the trap. At 9:04, Moon was seen entering the trap and the sensor was activated. Moon walked across the beam and the door closed, safely securing Moon inside. After 124 days, Moon was finally home.
This organization is inpired by Moon. We are dedicated to assisting the recovery of lost pets and difficult to capture strays within Huron County with the use of the trap that was funded by the residents of Huron County's donations . Because every dog deserves a team that will go to the moon and back to bring them home.