With the high and low weather changes of late, please be very careful with our obese or over weight ponies, miniature horses and 🫏 donkeys.
Hyperlipaemia, or abnormally high levels of triglycerides in the blood, is a common metabolic disease in donkeys and miniature horses. It can occur when:
*A donkey's energy supplies are limited, such as when they are off feed
*A donkey's nutritional demands increase, such as during pregnancy or disease
*A donkey has insulin resistance.
💥Signs of hyperlipaemia in donkeys include:
-Poor appetite
-Decreased water intake
-Muscle fasciculations
-Ventral edema
-CNS dysfunction
-Recumbency with seizures in late stages
Hyperlipaemia can be a primary condition or secondary to anything that causes a donkey to go off its food. It's associated with a high mortality rate due to organ failure, so prompt and aggressive intensive care treatment is essential.
If you have a sick donkey or miniature horse please seek treatment promptly. Early intervention is very important!