Acupuncture is the stimulation of specific points on the body, which have the ability to alter various biochemical and physiological conditions in order to achieve a healing effect. It is not a cure-all, but it works well where indicated and when used alone or in combination with traditional veterinary medicine. Veterinary acupuncture has been used to treat animals for nearly 4,000 years in China.
In North America, it has been used for decades in both domestic and exotic animals. I utilize a contemporary neuroanatomical approach to acupuncture known as medical acupuncture. It is one of a variety of therapies a veterinarian may use to treat your pet. Ancient Chinese medical philosophy believes that disease is a result of an imbalance of energy in the body. Acupuncture is used to resolve imbalances and assist the body in healing disease. In Western terms, acupuncture can assist the body's efforts to heal itself by causing certain physiological changes. These include the release of neurotransmitters from the brain as well as the release of the body's natural pain killing hormones, endorphin and enkephalin. Acupuncture stimulates nerves, relieves muscle spasms and increases blood circulation as well as stimulating the body's immune or defensive system along with other beneficial effects. What Are Some of the Uses of Acupuncture? Acupuncture bridges a gap between medicine and surgery. Acupuncture is used primarily when medications are ineffective, not working, or are contradicted due to side effects. It is often, and widely used when surgery is not feasible. Acupuncture is known to have therapeutic effects in a wide variety of animal diseases and conditions. Pain modification is an important application of veterinary acupuncture, but there are many other applications. Examples of clinical conditions where acupuncture may be used are as follows;
Gastrointestinal problems or disorders
Urogenital and kidney disease
Musculoskeletal, such as neck, back, pelvic and arthritic pain
Neurological dysfunction
Eye and ear disease
Respiratory conditions
Dermatological problems
How Long Do Acupuncture Treatments Last? The length and frequency of treatments depends on the specific condition of your pet. Stimulation of an individual acupuncture point may be for as little as 10 seconds or as long as 20 minutes. Generally, acute problems require less time and frequency of treatment than severe or chronic cases. For example, an acute sprain may require just one treatment, whereas more severe or chronic ailments may require multiple treatments. A positive response is generally seen after the first to third treatment in chronic cases. Once optimum response is achieved, treatments are tapered off so the greatest amount of symptom-free time elapses between them. About Dr Hedley Marks. Originally from England, Dr Marks graduated from Purdue University's College of Veterinary Medicine. He owned and operated a companion animal practice in Walpole, Massachusetts for over twenty years, before moving to the lower Cape Cod area. In addition, he has practiced in Colorado, Vermont, and Bermuda. Dr Marks is a certified veterinary acupuncturist, qualifying in veterinary medical acupuncture from the Colorado State University.