“We’ll just get six chickens this go around” -me, in March.
But alas, of course we can’t just dip our toes back into raising livestock. Our newest homestead additions are two KuneKune piglets (Mr. Houdini & Willow) and two Emus! The emus don’t have names yet - would love to hear some of your ideas!
What a wild weekend it has been, though...
Mr Houdini escaped. Less than a day with us and we lost them. We searched over 3 hours with the help of our neighbors and dogs, social media posts, and calls to animal services with no signs of them. We were heartbroken.
Shiloh went to stay down where they were familiar and had been free ranging with us all morning. As he’s mending the fence, here come these two little happy oinking piglets running right up to him…
I swear, they’re such fun little personalities but holy s**t do they keep you on your toes!
Fun facts of the KuneKune breed:
1) they’re from New Zealand
2) KuneKune means “fat and round” in Māori.
3) they graze on grass and can survive off of it without supplemental feeding, provided they have enough access to what they need.
3) They require their feet trimmed as needed
4) They’re perfect for small scale farms/homesteads!
5) they come in different colors with some being less or more hairy than others.
6) Many say their meet is subpar to none due to them being capable of fully sustaining themselves on pasture.
We’re excited for these new homesteading ventures!