The Coos Bay dog show has always been a favorite - nice coastal weather ( instead of 107 degrees ) - green grass to romp and show upon - and truly nice organizers. I am the third wheel of this group effort - I clean up the p**p and move trucks and trailers and sometimes cook dinner. The real efforts exist in the washing - grooming - and practicing - something that escapes me. (intentionally ?) This trip was exciting because there were enough boys to make a "major" ( majors are needed to be a champion - and you MUST have 2 by 2 different judges - you can have baskets of points - but without majors - you won't get the "CH" you are looking for). This trip we were showing 4 boys - Logan - River - Willie and Echo. A big effort for us - as with only 3 people - IF we got all 4 into the winners dog final - we would be scrambling for sure. This never happened - but not from lack of efforts - the grooming and practicing for 4 dogs took most of Michelle and Vicki's time. Meanwhile - I had a beer :)
On the first day - it was a bit foggy and overcast ( read wonderfully gloomy :) ) - and in the winning dog class - I got put on Logan - who is just a pup - less than a year old - while Michelle and Vicki took the best chances out there. Logan has a lot of white and he showed well in the gloomy weather - and when the judge called my number and said "winning dog" - well - I was flabbergasted for sure. Logan took it in stride and went looking for his treats. But - not even a year old and a major already ?? wow ! I had a beer :)
When day #2 dawned - we were set to go in the afternoon - so - the sun was almost for sure going to be out and shining. I have always felt that River does not get a "look" from many judges because as a ruby he lacks the "cavalier mask" - and some judges just can't get past that. IF the show is inside - the needed sunlight is never there - AND - his coat is his shining point - dragging on the grass from chest to hind quarters and in the sun - ONLY in the sun - putting on a light show of shimmering movement and elegance that would make his daddy ( Denali ) proud. Vicki did most of the prelims and River and Willie and Echo moved to the winners class. Vicki was concentrating on Echo and Michelle and Willie have a "thing" going - so I got River. River was not to be denied and he claimed "winners dog" and the major he so badly needed. Then - to my surprise - I was told - I was going on with him - this made no sense as I am the least experienced of all - and the Best of Breed class is almost always pure professionals.
NOW - please understand - that most of the time (90%?) - the winners dog and winners bitch have NO chance in this class - they are usually put in the back and told to wait while the pro-handlers with the Grand Champions or Champions strut their stuff - as it SHOULD be !!! Then right at the end - the 2 winners come out and try to impress - pretty hard to do with a short lap around the arena. BUT - today River could not be ignored - his coat and loving demeanor was on full display. Then the judge did a "thing" that they do sometimes to narrow down their choices - enabling them to concentrate on 3 to 5 dogs instead of 8 to 10. They request certain dogs to come to center ring. Judge Herbal asked me to come out FIRST !!! So - I went to the center of the ring and tried to look professional - in my T-shirt and blue jeans :) - I glanced over at Vicki and she had her hands over her mouth and was vibrating. Looking about I realized I was the ONLY non-pro in this event. (swallow). Understand now that Vicki has been pining for a best of breed for years now - it IS an accolade - to be called the best of that breed at the entire show for sure. When the judge pointed at me and said "you're best of breed" - I glanced over at Vicki and I was pretty sure she was gonna need CPR soon. My smile gave me away - but I was humbled to say the least. Then at awards the judge asked me "are you a part of the ownership of this dog" - and I replied "yes - my wife and I bred him and own him" - she then said - "well your not leaving much for anyone else today" - as she handed me - Best of Breed - Best of Breed owner handled - Best of Winners. While this was happening - Michelle - who has a very long and very tight relationship with River - could no longer contain herself and she entered the ring ( not supposed to do that ) and grabbed River and started giving him all the love she could. SO - I am standing there with a hand full of awards and NO DOG. Staggering out of the ring - I gave all the awards to Vicki and she tried to squeeze the life out of me.
Why am I telling you this ? Because I feel that too many people take the easy way out and just hire it done. NOTHING wrong with that !!! But - to experience the sheer delight of doing it with YOUR team - that gets no money for it. Well - that's just special.
The next day - it was all Blenheim time and Michelle and Willie got their major. 3 - shows - 3 majors. You have to experience this joy to understand. Being rewarded for your efforts is a good thing. Now - if you don't mind - I'm gonna have a beer :)