How many Chocolate & Mauves are touching the box?
I literally picked the box up just like that, put it outside the pen, they waited through the photography session, and pen cleaning, I picked it up just like that and put it back in the pen and noone cared. Broodies!
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Look at my baby!!! She looks good from any angle! She’s my Cruella! NFS
Violet my lavender momma hatched 4 babies and two are lavender!!! And she adopted two other babies!
Baby Black Mottled running
This little baby has been in the coop for two days now with about 10 other hatch mates. Today this little one leaves the coop and is chirping up a storm. I walk over and pick her up. I swung on the swing and talked to her, let her snuggle in my neck. It was getting dark so I put the baby back in the coop and went back to the swing. Here comes baby right over to me. I reach down pick her up and swing some more. Put her back in the coop and she follows me around in the coop wanting to be held. I hold her for a minute then stick her under Tyra one of my broody hens. She loved it and when I closed them up she was still with Tyra. She is the cutest baby! She looks like she has snowshoes on!
New Roo thought he found a goodie!
My dog Bella is a Toy Aussie Shepard and my friends bring her down these small little nubby balls. They fit perfectly in her tiny mouth so we call them “Bella balls”.