Getting Started Training Stay - Error Free Method!
Here's how to get started training Stay with correction-free methods.
--Click like or comment to let me know if you trained your dog to stay or want to. --
I find a positively trained Stay very useful for dogs that need some extra calm or are fearful.
If you are curious about how I can help your dog, you can request a free call here:
Session 1 of Teaching a Dog to File Her Own Back Nails
Did you know you can teach your dog to file her OWN NAILS? It's easy and fun and one of my favorite things to teach dogs. This is Della's with her first session working on her BACK nails since she has already can file her front paws (that video is linked in the comments).
I can help you make your dog even more awesome! You can request a free call here:
Rescue dog filing her own nails!
Della is filing her own nails! She is learning to like having her nails trimmed with a Dremel tool, but in the meantime using a scratching board will help her to keep them short. Dogs really take to this one easily! Tomorrow I will post the video as we start her on her back nails! Do you need help with your dog's behavior? I have room for 2 clients currently and you can request a free call here:
Oscar, a rescue dog who was formerly terrified of a leash is walking on one!
This might not look like much, but it's a BIG deal. Oscar, a year-old rescue, was terrified of a leash (and nervous in general) when I met him and had been for most of his life. At our first session, just holding up a string made him hide. Now, he's confident, happy, and WALKING ON A LEASH! His people did an amazing job following their training plan. Hats off to Team Oscar!
I love helping fearful dogs heal. You can request a free call here:
Kiwi from Rescue Pets Serving Vets
Guys! - Kiwi from Rescue Pets Serving Vets really needs a BUMP! Kiwi is a sassy medium-sized 2 year old mix who has been in rescue for over a year! She is friendly and very easy to be train (as you can see how focused she is on me!). There is no reason that I can see that this girl shouldn't get a good home quick! Please help her out by sharing this post!
Also, if you need any help with your dog (or if you adopt Kiwi!), click for a free dog training call here:
I visited Ozzie at Rescue Pets Serving Vets. He is a catch so act fast! He’s only 9 months old, a great medium size, loving with all people and housetrained. Please share!
And if you need training help, please request a free call here: Www.Guidancedogtraining.Com/discovery
Rescue dog for adoption, Scout
I visited Scout (or Crockett) at Rescue Pets Serving Vets. He's about 6 (the perfect age!). He housetrained, likes people, dogs and cats but does not like to be alone. Training can help, but it would be best if he is adopted to a family where someone is home most of the time. Please share to help him find his home!
If you need help with your dog, you can request a free call here:
Gus - an adoptable dog from Rescue Pets Serving Vets!
I went to see Gus at Rescue Pets Serving Vets today. He is a lovely older gentleman. Friendly and easy to live with! He is healthy 9-10 years old, great with all people (including kids and folks in wheelchairs - he visited a nursing home!). Loves car rides and is housetrained. He likes other dogs but not so good with cats. Please check him out and share to help him find his forever home.
Also, if you need help with your rescued dog you can request a free intro call here:
Starting Leash Walking with a Young Golden
I'm getting started teaching this adorable and exuberant Golden puppy to pay attention to me on leash instead of pulling. I call it the Breadcrumb Game and it's a very fun and effective method that begins with a lot of treats and then tapers them off. Does your dog pull on the leash? You can request a free intro call here:
Getting started with teaching a dog to like her paws touched.
Della does not like her paws touched. We are beginning the "May I" game: I reward her with food when I touch her paw. If she moves her paw at all, I just try again with less intense touching. Meanwhile, we will be teaching her to use a scratching board to file her own nails! I love helping dogs with their fears. If your dog needs help, request a free call here:
This adorable pup is Obi, a mini dachshund who is sometimes afraid of strangers. One of the things we are teaching him to help him with this is to come to his person and stay while the people pass by. Would you like to teach your dog to be calmer and happier using correction free techniques in the comfort of your home? Please reach out to request a free call here:
Using the Find it and Come Game to Begin Training a Recall
Please excuse my hat head (it's been so cold out!). In this little clip with Arlow the sometimes shy mixed breed pup, I am demoing how to use the 'Find it and Come" game to begin training your dog to come when called. Once your dog is good at playing this game you can try saying your recall word (I like HERE!) from short distances without the Find it part first.
Would you like help teaching your dog to come when called no matter what? Get a free call here: