Sadly, while I was away on vacation one of my gang went off to the Rainbow Bridge. Miss Joy had been battling cancer for some time but I was hoping I’d get a little more time with her. Joy was one of my favorite ladies because she was just so easy-going and sweet as can be. I first met Joy when she was just a tiny pup and used to like to hide from me in the big bushes at Funston. I didn’t see her for a bit and then one day I took my group to McLaren park because Funston was closed for some reason. And out of NOWHERE this giant Berner jumped up on me from behind and I was like “do we know each other?!” 😂😂 To my surprise it was Joy all grown up and she recognized me before I recognized her! One of my favorite things was seeing Joy run down the sand to get to the beach-she loved it down there so I tried to take her as much as possible. I am going to miss you, Joy. You always brightened my day and made me laugh. I hope you are with some old friends like Nana and Biden and having a grand old time swapping stories. I’m pretty sure that if there’s any afterlife at all I am headed to the dog version so I think we’ll see each other again sweet girl!! ❤️❤️🌈