When the sun comes out and the horses want their coats off 😂
Shout out to all my employees who brave this weather to insure the horses get some turn out time so they dont go stall crazy. You guys are the BEST!! Mattia, Violet, Tara, Caleb and Andie. Clients have no idea what all you do in a days time for their horses!! I thank God daily for all of you!!
Another Proud Moment
There are times, regardless of all the hours of preparation, that your horse has one of those dreaded “horse moments”.
At our recent fall freestyle competition Lucy experienced that very thing with her horse Sadie. From the first trip around the arena Sadie spooked in the corner then did the exact same thing again on the second lap. It was heartbreaking to watch because Lucy had a awesome routine; one she drew up herself on paper just like a show pattern. Lucy is a perfectionist and at practice her routine flowed perfectly with the music of her song. I watched as Lucy navigated through her performance that was nothing like she had practiced and she never once got frustrated. She just kept riding and improvising till the music was over. It was so disappointing but she handled it all with dignity and poise. I wish the audience could have witnessed her routine without the hiccup but that’s the way it can go with a horse. So proud of the way Lucy hung in there, finished the routine, and still smiled when it was over. There may have been a roll of the eyes as she exited the arena but totally appropriate and she still loves her horse!!
Autumn Glory Trail Ride
We had our annual Autumn Glory Trail Ride today in the worst wind we’ve ever ridden in. Some of the horses were a bit jumpy and there were times we had to get off and just walk them. It’s a ride we will be talking about for days to come!! 🍁🐴🍁
Learning to ride does not come easy for some individuals, in fact for those physically challenged learning to ride can be down right hard.
Meet Donna, a 60 something year old client who has honestly thought about quitting on many occasions. She’s very hard on herself and can get frustrated when her brain says go left after I’ve said go right.
Donna works extremely hard during her lessons and I have tremendous respect for her and her desires to spend quality time with a horse. Donna feels safe inside the arena but struggles when I suggest a walk through the woods. Yet deep inside she would love to be able to go on a trail ride together with her daughter.
Yesterday I convinced her to let me walk beside her while she rode Beau, a Missouri Fox Trotter. I didn’t realize the wind was blowing so strongly but I trust this horse and really felt it was a good idea. Donna started out fine but the further we went the more her anxiety increased. I told her it was just fine to turn around but I wanted her to ride without me by her side. I know that was a BIG request but she did it and I was able to get this short video. The ride may have been short but after it was all over Donna thanked me for pushing her through.
I always tell students that if riding was easy then anyone could it. I’m so proud of Donna and her hard earned accomplishments over the 3 years she has been here. I just know that someday we will take that trail ride and I’ll be on my own horse and not need to walk beside her.
For your courage I commend you Donna!!!
Another BSS Proud Moment!
Another BSS Proud Moment.
Teaching young riders how to relax and just let their seat move with the horse during the canter is difficult. Meet Haley Janoske, a very determined young lady who really, really wants to be a good rider and who always has a smile on her face!! We are just learning the canter and this is only her fourth try. At her last lesson I challenged Haley to make it 2 laps around the arena without breaking stride and just look at her go! It’s not always easy to ride Cissy but she and Haley have developed a unique bond and with Haley’s consent positive attitude this horse responds to her requests. As a riding instructor, I absolutely love these moments of success!! Great job Haley!
You come to the stable to see your horse and this happens!☔️
Cold, rainy days call for a little fun at the end of a good lesson. This is Joshlyn and her horse Dixie doing a great job together!!
Students took advantage of the Presidents Day holiday to do some trail riding in the snow.