Grandad says we will not get cold if the power goes out ☺️☺️. We do have a few bundles of seasoned dry stored oak firewood available if anyone is in need. There are only a few bundles left. Wood has been cut and split at least two years back, dry stored. 10 piece bundles, $10.00.
Back in November, we had a hen go broody on us. We tried to persuade her to go back in the coop, but she just wasn’t having it. She sat on 10 eggs. 21 days later, 6 little ones hatched. Sadly, we lost 3 to predators. The other 3 are thriving today. These are our first farm hatched barnyard mixes here at Goss Family Farm. #farmlife #subsistence #FarmToTable #knowwhereyourfoodcomesfrom
Once again, we surprised Grandad with some new friends, feathered ones in this instance..
We are adding some color diversity to the egg lineup with some new babies!! These little ones will grow up and in about 20 weeks, start laying some beautiful blue and green eggs for our mix. We’ll still have our traditional brown eggs as well, but this will make a nice rounded color mix.
In this lineup, we have some gorgeous little Easter Eggers, Americanas and a good dose of baby cream Legbars!