Dark B4 Dawn Equine Rehab and Rehoming

Dark B4 Dawn Equine Rehab and Rehoming We are about saving animals that have been failed by humans!


We made it through Hurricane Debby with just a few down branches 🙂 Life is good

Maxi and Fire hanging out with Aiden and Scarlett

Maxi and Fire hanging out with Aiden and Scarlett


Good morning everyone,
I wanted to update you on why we have been so quiet on social media lately. Other than being as busy as usual, we became the target of a group of minions who have nothing better to do than harass those trying to save horses the right way! It got to the point we just couldn't take the daily BS plus put all of our energy into the horses that need us!
Hopefully we can start updating everyone again soon!
Thank you for your patience!

Just because our four little kittens are still to cute not to share 😊

Just because our four little kittens are still to cute not to share 😊


It is really sad that people are the way they are! We try to give some the benefit of the doubt, but it bites us in the ass in the end! Sh*tty people and lack of support is why we have decided not to take on any more horses. We are going to adopt out the few we have that are going to be adoptable soon and we are going to keep our sanctuary horses and just continue to provide for them. The horses out there in the auction shuffle and bad situations are the ones who suffer every time a true rescue stops helping. We will consider taking in owner surrenders on a case by case basis.
We adopted out a horse to someone because we believe would give him a good home. We should have known there was going to be trouble with the person who adopted him since that person never wanted to listen to us and there was just something we couldn't quite put our finger on. But we really wanted him to be loved and he is.
Now that the horse has been relocated to another farm, so many lies about us are being spread, I'm surprised those spewing the s**t can keep it straight! When we try to set the record straight the third party, another "rescue", doesn't want to hear the truth.
All horses we adopt out, have a signed contract! The money given for the horses is a nonrefundable adoption fee, that goes to the care of the other horses at our rescue. If you adopt a horse and the next day, you think you made a mistake, that money is a donation to the care of the other horses. You will not get it back! We do not give away horses for free! It costs a lot of money to rehab horses and the adoption fees we charge, don't even begin to cover what we put into each of these horses.
We, Dark B4 Dawn Equine Rehab and Rehoming, Inc., retain ownership of the horses until the horses crosses the rainbow bridge. The adopter is responsible for said horse(s) as if they are their own but if at any time the adopter cannot take care of the horses for any reason, it is not allowed to be sold, given away, relocated, etc. without our written permission.

Owen was adopted by one of our volunteers and went to his new home yesterday!     We might have lost a volunteer, but Ow...

Owen was adopted by one of our volunteers and went to his new home yesterday!
We might have lost a volunteer, but Owen gained the perfect home! That is why we do what we do! We love happy endings and this sweet little guy surly deserves it!

This cat is insane! Toby really knows how to make me laugh!

This cat is insane! Toby really knows how to make me laugh!

After over a year of looking, I finally found the filly that was taken from me! She was dumped at our farm last year and...

After over a year of looking, I finally found the filly that was taken from me! She was dumped at our farm last year and we were nursing her back to health, when she was taken in the middle of the night!
Mistymorningsgirl is at a racetrack, with a really nice trainer and she is beautiful! I'm so relieved she is still alive and in good hands!
Prayers she can come home when she is done racing!


We have been dealing with a bunch of family stuff that has kept us from updating our pages as much as we would like.
Unfortunately, when Dylan went down to the barn to feed, he found Rachel (formally Rizu) thrashing violently in her stall.
It is with a very heavy heart that I have to let everyone know, we had to let Rachel, registered name Baie Ch**te, cross the Rainbow Bridge this afternoon. When our vet got here, she said even if we could get Rachel to the hospital, she would not make it. Rachel's heartrate was over 100 bpm, her gums were pale and had no refill time. This was after I had given her Banamine and sedation. Rachel was in really bad shape when we found her this morning and our vet believed she already had a rupture and was bleeding internally. Nothing we would have done would have saved her or her unborn baby.
Rachel and her baby had beaten the odds some many times, only to have this happen. We know everything happens for a reason, whether we like it or not! I will see you and your baby when I cross that bridge, my beautiful girl!
I love you! 💔

No matter what, our first priority is the animals in our care! They cannot speak for themselves, they do not get choices...

No matter what, our first priority is the animals in our care! They cannot speak for themselves, they do not get choices, they are in our care as a child would be! And we must protect them at all costs!
Like him or not, in 2019 President Trump signed the PACT Act (Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture) into law. This made animal abuse not only a FEDERAL crime but it also carries the same punishments as arson, homicide, burglary and assault. The FBI started adding any criminal acts against animals to their database, those acts included torture, organized abuse, gross neglect and sexual abuse.
I believe it is now time to get our beloved horses added to the list as companion animals. Not only do we need to stop them from being slaughtered across the border in Mexico, but we need to make horse theft and murder a FEDERAL OFFENSE!! With the amount of horses being stolen and sold at these low end-kill sales, horses being stolen and butchered within feet from their own homes, or shipping directly to Mexico, WE NEED TO MAKE THIS STOP!!!
Not only do we need to move the SAFE ACT to the top of the list for OUR ELECTED officials, we need to make sure they are protecting our horses!! Without horses our country wouldn't be what it is today!!! Just in Ocala, FL horses account for $4.3 BILLION in YEARLY revenue!!! JUST IN ONE COUNTY!! Horses are no longer livestock! They are cherished members of our family!
There are laws on the books to protect our WILD MUSTANGS! But the government is using helicopters to scare these gorgeous creatures to death! I MEAN LITERALLY!! They run them off cliffs! They run them until they break bones trying to escape the monsters chasing them! Foals run until they drop from dehydration and exhaustion! They herd what they can into corrals and the WILD HORSES only know they have to escape, so they will kill themselves trying! THIS IS AGAINST OUR CIVILIZED SOCIETY!!! When did we become barbarians?! The ones that survive this horrific nightmare are then shipped to low end s**t sales where they will end up being bought by kill buyers. Then they will either go to Mexico to be slaughtered or end up doing the auction shuffle, which they will either die there or, if very lucky, will find someone to buy them.
Another issue we have is the Kill Buyers/Kill Pens/Horse Traders/Horse Flippers. No matter what you call them, they don't give a damn about anything other than scamming people out of their money! The horses in their care are lucky to get fed! They get NO MEDICAL CARE! They get trampled being run in and out of cattle trailers! And knowing the worse off the horse looks, the more money the kill buyer can get! Recently a KB had a mustang with a partial degloving of her head. For those that don't know what that is, she had cut her head just above her eyes, it looked like she tried to scalp herself! The skin on her forehead was hanging down and the KB knew it was there, he showed it online! BUT HE DID NOTHING ABOUT IT!!! That poor horse stood in the TX heat with a gaping wound, her skull exposed to the elements for days! Until a scam "rescue" bought her and took her to their farm. Unfortunately, there is more drama surrounding these wild horses and this particular scammer, the abuse they suffer didn't stop. Those of us fighting every day need stronger laws in place to protect the animals that we love and made this country what it is, so you can enjoy the lifestyles we all enjoy! The horse came long before motorized transportation and if it wasn't for the horse carrying us into battle, we wouldn't have the freedoms we have today.
Please stand with all of our American equines, let them enjoy the life they deserve!! Call, write, make your voices heard! Vote for those who are in support of our animals!!

Horse Welfare Collective Brings Transparency to the American Horse Slaughter Industry and Its Impact on Horse Welfare and Public Health.

We are a small veteran owned and operated rescue asking for help to keep the horses we have rescued from the slaughter p...

We are a small veteran owned and operated rescue asking for help to keep the horses we have rescued from the slaughter pipeline thriving. Everyone wants to save them from shipping, but people forget that is the cheapest part of the ordeal!
The part that comes after the kill pen is when the real expense begins! Every horse that comes from the pipeline, neglect cases, etc. need high quality feed and hay, vet care, farrier care, etc! PLEASE HELP US! Please like, follow, share, donate and invite everyone you know to do the same - Dark B4 Dawn Equine Rehab and Rehoming

How to help!
*Cashapp: $darkb4dawnequine
*GoFundMe: https://gofund.me/10c41b3c
*Call Harvest Feeds donate directly
*TSC - order online and we will pick it up: https://www.tractorsupply.com/SharedWishListView?catalogId=10051&wishListEMail=true&langId=-1&storeId=10151&guestAccessKey=-329924f4%3A189d5a3f7a7%3A-1cdf&externalId=6888148&fbclid=IwAR3WUA6-l3LVRBBebiKqkyRiOmjE1ijVuyqBno_ZwDGuMv1Sw4FrdaWSLVM

Also, please vote for us (Dark B4 Dawn Equine Rehab and Rehoming) in the My Giving Circle contest. VOTING IS FREE and you can help us win desperately needed grant money to continue our mission of rescuing horses and providing for the ones that will be here forever! https://mygivingcircle.org/dark-b4-dawn-equine-rehab-and-rehoming?iv=share_dJG3FbWHnS

Pics of a few of the ones we've helped.


You know you're doing something right when you're being reported by your haters! It's OK, keep hating me! I'm spreading the truth about the scammers out there!

Owen sharing some quality time on a beautiful day with our volunteer, Wendy Mocerino

Owen sharing some quality time on a beautiful day with our volunteer, Wendy Mocerino

Ethan enjoying spring grass! And a good roll

Ethan enjoying spring grass! And a good roll

It is so heartwarming 💕 to see Ridley and Julia doing so well together! First trail ride out on a gorgeous day!

It is so heartwarming 💕 to see Ridley and Julia doing so well together! First trail ride out on a gorgeous day!

You know everything is going to be okay when Precious forgives you for accidentally stepping on her earlier 🥰    She is ...

You know everything is going to be okay when Precious forgives you for accidentally stepping on her earlier 🥰
She is kneading the crap out of my arm and purring like it's going out of style! She's so Precsssssious


Scarlett enjoying the rain!

UPDATE:    I want to let everyone know we will no longer be raising funds to bail Clover from Wish Upon A Horse Kill Pen...

I want to let everyone know we will no longer be raising funds to bail Clover from Wish Upon A Horse Kill Pen. As much as we wanted to offer this sweet mom-to-be a safe place to decompress, enjoy the time she has until foaling, having her foal in peace and being with other mom/baby pairs, we are backing away.
We have discovered there is a LOT going on behind the scenes with people who we do not do business with. The monster who murdered our sweet Angel during transport, is also running a mass bailing scam from this KP and WE WILL NOT BE INVOLVED WITH IT!
Thank you everyone! We do know of a few KPs that are actually honest about the horses they sell and we will stick with them in the future.



Another HEAVILY BRED recip mare dumped at a KILL PEN because she got pregnant after they bred her on purpose! What is wrong with these people?! She came from the same farm that dumped Rizu at this place back in December! WHY ARE THEY BREEDING HORSES AND DUMPING THEM AT KILL PENS!
Please help us get Clover 🍀 OUT OF HELL! WE NEED:
*QT/BOARD: 1000
*VET: 200+
TOTAL = 4500
Any extra raised will go to her care once she arrives at our farm.
We are not doing a GFM because they take so much in fees! Please help us by donating through:
**Cashapp: $darkb4dawnequine
**Or contact the kill pen (Wish Upon A Horse) directly to add 🥕s to her bail on behalf of Dark B4 Dawn Equine.

We are a small veteran owned and operated rescue in FL. Please help us get the word out by sharing this on all social media platforms!

"Rizu" (we are still playing the name game) DID NOT LIKE BEING MOVED TODAY! Usually, she stands quietly under a tree and...

"Rizu" (we are still playing the name game) DID NOT LIKE BEING MOVED TODAY! Usually, she stands quietly under a tree and Denali (chestnut) stands quietly in his paddock across the driveway from Rizu. Nothing ever heard from either until time to eat. Today, we moved Rizu into a different paddock while we fertilized the one she was in. She walked quietly, no issues, not a hint of the craziness she was about to unleash. We turned her loose and SHE THREW A FIT! She ran, bucked, jumped and yelled! We thought she would jump the fence to get back to Denali! They have never been in the same paddock, they aren't stalled next to each other, but they have become friends across the driveway 🥰 This is one more reason to love animals!

P. S.
Please don't forget we are still trying to find the PERFECT name for this gorgeous girl! We will draw a name on Leap Day!
Here's how to submit your name suggestions - Go to either of the apps below and send a donation for each name submission to:
Cashapp $darkb4dawnequine
Let me know what you think fits her best and it will be entered into the drawing once your donation is received!

We are still playing the name game! Please visit our post for details! Make a donation with each name submission! Let's ...

We are still playing the name game! Please visit our post for details! Make a donation with each name submission! Let's find this gorgeous girl a new name and help us get some hay!

Cashapp $darkb4dawnequine


(This post is organic, it is forever changing with the scams monsters are creating)

*AQHA (American Quarter Horse Association): #1 PROMOTERS OF SLAUGHTER! They make so much money from all of the fees related to breeding, IT IS UNREAL! People want to blame TBs, but the Jockey Club requires LIVE COVER ONLY! No AI! No embryo transfers! NOTHING! Jockey Club has around 20k foals per year. AQHA has over 200k per year! Some ranches are breeding over 100 mares each!

*HORSE SALES: high end event where horses sell for high amounts of money. BIG MONEY! THOUSANDS!

*AUCTIONS AKA S**T SALES: USUALLY owned and operated by the Amish (see below), not always. The rest are owned by kill buyers. The auctioneers ALWAYS have some hand in the ownership of the auctions! They either own the facility, related to, etc. These places have their friends (KBs) in there to run up the price of horses so they get more money from naive people. People THINK they are bidding against KBs, in reality A) the horses are owned by KBs 99% of the time, B) the KB is running the price up to get you to pay more, C) horse belongs to someone KB is working for/with; D) RARE OCCASION KB IS ACTUALLY willing to pay THAT HIGH OF A PRICE!
Low end s**t sales take place at a cattle auction barn, any and every horse imaginable! Good, bad, registered, fat, skinny, lame, trained, young, old, calm, scared, etc! Horses are cheaper here than at the kill pens, BUT you might still be buying from a kill buyer! YOU DON'T KNOW UNLESS you go to the auctions all the time and study who's who.
I tell people who are breeding, I can find them EXACTLY what they are looking for and a lot less money than it costs to breed at a s**t sale or in a kill pen somewhereinthis country! AND NO HORSE EVER BELONGS THERE!

*DISPERSAL SALES: These are "sales" where large ranches that breed A S**T TON OF HORSES EVERY SINGLE YEAR, take what they haven't sold from the year before to a s**t sale/auction. These ARE NOT HIGH END SALES! These are registered stock usually from one ranch, but other as****es will bring their horses to dump also. Registered horses can be bought SUPER CHEAP and the KBs LINE UP LIKE VULTURES on a fence waiting for something to die!

*KiLL PEN (KP): WAY BACK IN THE DAY (early 20th century and before), it was a livery stable. A place where the blacksmith would shoe, board, train and had horses for sale. Fast forward to the slaughter era and it became a group of pens that was once used to hold horses waiting to be shipped to slaughter or be slaughtered. Now it is a group of pens that holds horses for about a week (+/-). Horses are bought by the Kill Buyers (KB) at low end auctions, on Craigslist, fb, ANYWHERE! They take them back to the KP, shoot a short video WITH VERY LITTLE INFO, put them on fb, and after a week for sale, the horses are loaded and taken to the next auction. This is the auction shuffle, the process repeats itself over and over until: A) a private person buys it; B) a real rescue buys it; C) the horse gets shipped to Mexico; D) the horse dies from malnutrition, injury or illness.

*KILL BUYER (KB): a soulless bastard who has no conscience for the innocent-animals or people. If someone has FREE HORSE, they will bring their grandkids and tell them to lie! The kids in question are born into this lifestyle and I haven't met any that have grown up to find their soul! Load up your cripple, 20 something, old horse with kissing spine and off to the auction as a teenage, kids horse! One lady had a 23 yr old horse that was great with kids and light riding, someone she knew, knew someone looking for a kids lesson horse. Not to be used often, next thing you know P**F horse is at an auction being sold as a teenage riding horse!

*SHIP DATE: This means the horses on the lot will ship to the next AUCTION! UNLESS THEY ARE PAID FOR! They ARE NOT SHIPPING TO SLAUGHTER AT THAT DAY! So far the KPs we've dealt with have the same policy - pay nonrefundable deposit (gives certain number of days to pay rest), pay full by due date, gives free board for X # of days, then you pay board until your horse is shipped TO YOU! If you DO NOT PAY, YOUR HORSE WILL GO TO THE AUCTION!
We don't see the horses being shipped to slaughter! Those horses are healthy, fat and leave the auction.

*MEXICO: The horses shipped to slaughter are purchased and leave on a separate trailer DIRECTLY FROM THE AUCTIONS. They don't go back to the lot, they don't get put on the fb page, they aren't lame/sick/skinny/etc. They go directly to the USDA inspection at the border where they are tagged and chipped. If any horses don't meet the requirements, those horses die in the pens at the border. The KBs are not going to waste money when having the skinny/sick/lame/etc bring in BIG money at the KP!

*CANADA: They have started breeding drafts and draft crosses to ship, ALIVE, directly to ASIA! Canada does not allow horses from the US anymore due to the disgusting quality of horses that were going over the border. They decided there's a lot more money in BREEDING THEIR OWN MASSIVE HEALTHY HORSES!

*MASS BAILINGS: Any time you see ANYONE MASS BAILING HORSES and they don't have a legit plan in place (I haven't seen one yet) FOR THOSE HORSES TO GO TO THEIR FACILITY - THEY ARE A SCAM! REAL RESCUES bring the horses to their facility, QT, rehab, evaluate, retrain and rehome! These fake "rescues" raising THOUSANDS of dollars overnight and the horses have nowhere to go, no plan, no updates, no nothing, end up going to ANOTHER AUCTION "AFTER BEING BAILED", "PAID FOR BUT BEING SHIPPED ANYWAY",etc, these are all scammers phrases! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE! THEY ARE POCKETING MONEY!

*REAL RESCUES: These are the people who are tired, pouring their hearts and souls into every animal that crosses their path! They have a sound plan! Post updates as much as possible (social media is a full time job)! Their heart breaks whether they knew the animals five seconds or five years! They welcome visitors to their farm for tours and allow people to see how their program works! They answer questions online and in person! They barely have money for food for themselves because EVERY SINGLE PENNY THEY DIG OUT OF THE DIRT goes to the horses! They DON'T GET THEIR HAIR DONE! THEY DON'T GET THEIR NAILS DONE! THEY DON'T HAVE PAID STAFF! They fundraise, fundraise and keep fundraising AND rarely do they get anything! Because people want to BAIL, BAIL, BAIL! It's an adrenaline rush to SAVE THAT HORSE FROM SLAUGHTER!
But the real rescue will stay up all night and all day just trying to get people to help get innocent souls out of horrible situations!

1) Doesn't worry about where the animals end up!
2) No rehab, retraining, no approved homes, no adoption application, NOTHING!
3) Ask them a question and they block you from their page!
4) Will CONSTANTLY LIE and try to convince people EVERYONE ELSE is either crazy or lying and they are the only ones who tell the truth, EVER! No matter what evidence you have, they will fight you!
5) Have very little actual knowledge and/or experience with the animals they are "rescuing".
6) CONSTANTLY linking up with new "rescues" and once that new one gets followers and donations of their own, first fake rescue turns on them. BUT the "new" rescue has learned how awesome the money is and they don't know what a real rescue does.
7) Claims horses belong to "a KB" and they are "just listing them" and they have a "ship date". The fake rescue listing these horses is a broker for the KB and all money "donated" is being split between broker and KB (the horses ship to another s**t sale) or it is the KB/KP/HORSE TRADER THEMSELVES running a FAKE RESCUE claiming the horses belong to someone else, and they are doing this out of the goodness of their black heart 🕳.

*501c3: DOESN'T MEAN A THING! Donors get a tax break, fake rescues use it to convince the public they are legit!

*WILD HORSES: Mustangs or other horses descendants of horses that came over centuries ago and escaped. These horses are our history! They made this country! Now cattle ranchers and the government ONLY CARE ABOUT $$$$! So the government kills our wild horses and says it's "population control". Horses destroy the ground and cattle need grass! CATTLE DESTROY THE GROUND! They have NO TOP TEETH! They use their tongues to pull grass up by the roots! Horses have top and bottom teeth and they bite the grass off at the ground! Kill the cows! And those horses are not breeding that fast! Anyone who has ever bred horses, studied veterinary medicine, etc knows horses and babies are lethal! Mares die before birth, during birth and right after birth all of the time! Foals are aborted, they die during and after birth! Stallions fight and kill each other! Wild horses don't pay the government so they kill them off!

*FERAL HORSES: when horses were originally brought to our country, they were domestic. They got loose making them feral. Now those horses are descendants and they are wild. The feral horses we have today are horses people had and either, like our wild horses, got loose and joined a wild herd or people thought it was a better alternative for them to try to survive in the wild than to end up in Mexico hanging upside down, alive and bleeding out or in the auction shuffle, dying a slow, very miserable death of sickness, starvation and injury. NOW the government says FERAL horses are a NUISANCE and are to be killed! FERAL HORSES are killing motorists because they cross the roads! PUT UP A FENCE! Are you going to start killing off moose, Buffalo, elk, etc because they kill people who aren't paying attention to the road, too!

*BLM: Bureau of Land Management - GOVERNMENT = $$$$$ They do not care our wild horses are PROTECTED! THEY WANT THEM ALL DEAD AND ARE WORKING ON IT!

*CLEAN LOAD/HORSES: Horse that has been in isolation for at least 30 days, showing no signs of illness. If illness presents, 30 days starts over when symptoms end.

*DIRTY LOAD/HORSES: Horse from KP or auction without QT.

*AMISH/MENNONITES: THE MOST EVIL GROUP OF PEOPLE ON EARTH! They are the number 1 breeder/supplier of PUPPY MILLS! Standardbreds are their preferred breed since they are broke to drive! THEY RUN THEM INTO THE GROUND, WILL LET THEM DIE AND GO GET ANOTHER FOR LESS THAN $100 AT THE AUCTION! These are evil people who believe they are the most important people in the world! They also have MORE MONEY THAN ELON MUSK!

Scarlett is GROWING LIKE A W**D!

Scarlett is GROWING LIKE A W**D!


Ocala, FL



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