Very important info re:Sunday’s show!
Contact Simone Cormier with questions. (This page manager is at the USDF Convention and will not have answers!)
Hello Stride Competitors,
We are looking forward to seeing you at the Fl Horse Park this weekend for the dressage show!
We have nearly 100 horse/rider combinations entered and will run rings from 8am to 530pm.
If you, sadly, have to scratch. Please notify Jennifer Bravick, 813-714-0416, as soon as possible.
We have riders on the wait list who would love to attend.
Filled scratches will receive a voucher for a full refund minus office fee and cc charge, if applicable.
Keeping the rings running on time will be a group effort between volunteers and competitors.
I am challenging you all to finish the day with all rings running early!
Shout out to the Sunshine Region Pony Clubs for hosting their 2024 Dressage Rally with Stride!.
Make sure to cheer on our local Pony Clubbers during the show. They will be sporting number pinnys.
We will be sharing the FHP with Jeeptoberfest this weekend. Please refer to the attached map to find
locations relating to Stride stabling, ship in parking, show office, food, and competition areas.
475A is the official horse show entrance to the FHP. The east side of the park is still in hurricane
emergency mode and is best to be avoided.
Stride Stabling will open at 2pm on Saturday 12/7.
Schooling in the competition arenas will open at 2pm on Saturday, 12/7.
Please warm up in the warm up arena and save the competition rings for test practice.
Arriving early on Saturday is not advised. A helicopter dropping rubber duckies on Jeeptoberfest is scheduled
for late morning. Oh, my!
Food trucks will be located at Jeeptoberfest near the covered arena. Check out Country Boyz BBQ!
The show office will be located north of the competition arena. Access is available, by foot, between the Driven
Arena and the Ridden Arenas. No vehicle traffic is allowed in this area.
If driving to the show office, please obey the Fl Emergency traffic flow through the east side of the park.
Please contact me, or Jennfer Bravick if you have any questions.
Simone Cormier
Stride VP
Dec Show Mgr