Mama Rabbit Resting after Kits leave the nest!
Rex mama doe Iris relaxing after say bye bye to 11 rascally Rex kits.
Baby Rabbits Nibbling on Willow
Baby rabbits, kits, can eat anything that the mama rabbit, the doe, has been eating. Here babies enjoy willow branches, a favorite forage here at Nitty Gritty Rabbitry.
Persephone x Onyx 9/16/2022 DOB
Baby Tamuk eating willow
Baby rabbits, kits, can eat anything that the mama rabbit, the doe, has been eating. Here babies enjoy willow branches, a favorite forage here at Nitty Gritty Rabbitry.
Persephone x Onyx 9/16/2022 DOB
Rabbit Kits do the Popcorn!
Our new doe Florence getting ready!
Babies ready for the great Santa Rabbit Clause trip across the south east!