We love getting updates from owners once the dog goes back home!
#dogtraining #offleashfreedom #utahdogtrainer #winterdog
Oakley is finishing up our 4-Week Puppy Board & Train. We’ve been focusing on all her puppy training including building a solid foundation of obedience. Check her out! 👀 Once overly excited at the site of people, she’s been learning to be calm & stay when people walk by.
#puppytraining #bernedoodle #bernedoodlepuppy #utahdoodles #utahpuppies #utahdogtraining #ogdendogs #puppymanners #puppylife
Maintain your dog’s leash skills is like driving your car. You adjust as needed and use your leash to communicate to steer your dog where you want them.
Need help with leash walking? We can help!
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Exposure Builds Confidence! 👏🏻
What are you doing with your dog this weekend??
#dogtraining #dogtrainer #dogtrainingtips #dogtrainingadvice #dogtrainingisfun #dogtraining101 #dogtrainerslife #dogtrainingvideo #doghelp #utahdogs #utahdogtraining #ogdendogtraining #placebed #dogobedience #gooddog #dogsofinstagram #instadog #boardandtrain #dogtrainingpaysoff
You’re either reinforcing a behavior or teaching to change a behavior with every interaction you have with your dog/puppy. Think more how you interact with your dog.
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Our dogs love their time on the treadmill. It helps meet their needs and creates an overall better dog when paired with training. Treadmills are a great addition to add into providing a healthy physical outlet for your dog but be sure to add in other forms of exercise in your dog’s routine.
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Training Tip Tuesday!!
If you release your did when they look at you - they’re going to start looking at you more! A helpful technique when adding distractions into your training and overall building better engagement with your dog.
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