In some Veterinarian help groups I have seen multiple posts of people posting about their sick unspayed female dogs and cats. All of these pets have displayed signs of pyometra which is a DEADLY uterine infection that requires emergency surgery which can cost between $3-6000 depending on where you live. This is 100% PREVENTABLE by having your dog spayed. I have also seen multiple people posting about accidental pregnancies which is the result of irresponsible owners.
The ONLY reason to ever have an intact female is if you have a dog that checks all of these boxes:
-OFA health tested for eyes, heart, elbows, hips, etc (whatever the breed standard is)
-genetic testing cleared for any mutations
-superior disposition
There is nothing more frustrating to a vet than seeing cases of mammary cancer or pyometra as these are 100% preventable diseases.
If you want to add 2-3 years to your dogs life, please spay and neuter your pet