A gamec**k, gamefowl, fighting c**k, or battle c**k, is a rooster that is bred, raised, and trained to fight against other rosters of its kind.
akron / canton
albany, GA
albany, NY
amarillo, TX
ames, IA
anchorage / mat-su
annapolis, MD
ann arbor, MI
asheville, NC
ashtabula, OH
athens, GA
athens, OH
atlanta, GA
auburn, AL
augusta, GA
austin, TX
bakersfield, CA
baltimore, MD
baton rouge
battle creek, MI
beaumont / port arthur
bellingham, WA
bemidji, MN
bend, OR
billings, MT
binghamton, NY
birmingham, AL
bismarck, ND
bloomington, IN
boise, ID
boone, NC
boston - includes merrimack valley, metro west, north shore, south shore
boulder, CO
bowling green, KY
bozeman, MT
brainerd, MN
brownsville, TX
brunswick, GA
buffalo, NY
butte, MT
cape cod / islands
cedar rapids, IA
central louisiana
central michigan
central NJ
champaign urbana
charleston, SC
charleston, WV
charlotte, NC
charlottesville, VA
chattanooga, TN
chautauqua, NY
chico, CA
chillicothe, OH
cincinnati, OH
clarksville, TN
cleveland, OH
clovis / portales
college station, TX
colorado springs
columbia / jeff city
columbia, SC
columbus, GA
columbus, OH
cookeville, TN
corpus christi, TX
cumberland valley
dallas / fort worth
daytona beach
dayton / springfield
decatur, IL
deep east texas
del rio / eagle pass
denver, CO
des moines, IA
detroit metro
dothan, AL
duluth / superior
eastern CO
eastern CT
eastern kentucky
eastern montana
eastern NC
eastern panhandle
eastern shore
east idaho
east oregon
eau claire, WI
elko, NV
el paso, TX
erie, PA
eugene, OR
evansville, IN
fairbanks, AK
fargo / moorhead
farmington, NM
fayetteville, AR
fayetteville, NC
finger lakes, NY
flagstaff / sedona
flint, MI