July 19-23, 2023 Kynology Symposium One: A Deep Dive into Theory and Practice with Michael Ellis, Forrest Micke, and Stewart Hilliard
A five-day conversation about dog training with Michael Ellis, Forrest Micke, and Stewart Hilliard. This event will be an exploration of science, historical development, practical technique, and the enduring technical challenges of shaping dog behavior. Emphasis will be upon enhancing participants’ overall understanding of behavior & training rather than advancing individual dogs (this isn’t a troubleshooting workshop), although there will be plenty of practical dog work each day.
The event will be anchored by presentations about specific topics, but only loosely scheduled so as to permit discussion to “flow” as interests and events guide it. Michael, Forrest, and Stewart will assist participants in connecting the topics to their practical applications in training. Topics proposed below will be engaged as interest and time allow.
Because the objective is a symposium– a dialogue rather than a seminar— participants are encouraged to question and participate fully in a two-way conversation with presenters and each other.
We are looking for 12 to 15 dog/handler teams to help us illustrate the concepts during the practical work. These teams will be chosen through an application process, so please contact us if interested.