We plan to have these kitties at Boozy Bingo & Benefit at Craft Putt this Sunday at Craft Putt in Overland Park. The event begins at 11:30. The cats and kittens in the video are available for adoption.
To make the process smoother, we recommend submitting an application in advance. This:
Speeds up the process
Ensures we hold kitties that have meet and greets firmly planned
Helps us determine the best match for your home Avoids any confusion about order of applications
Here’s the direct link to our application:
Filling out an application does not obligate you to adopt. If you’re unsure which kitten is the right fit, just describe the personality you’re looking for—we know them well from their foster homes and can make recommendations!
Help us have a good adoption day!
Hi! Short notice, I know, but can anyone help load or unload a pallet of cat food today?
Loading is at "The Caves" 8710 NE Underground Dr, Randolph, MO (it's NE KC) at 2 pm and will take about 20 minutes.
Unloading is at our storage unit at 11675 S Strang Line Rd, Olathe, at about 3:15 and will take about 30 mins. You'll have to park outside the gate and can come in through the office.
Let me know in the comments if you are coming. You can have a couple cases of cat food or a cat bed for your trouble.
Thank you!
Flurry has been at Cats Pawjamas Rescue Society since he was a 4-week old bottle baby. He is suffering from a problem impacting his ability to eat. We are handfeeding him 3-4 times a day while we are scheduling his surgery. Donate via our website, cats Pawjamas.org, or Venmo - @Cats-Pawjamas or PayPal - @catspawjamas
Your Donations Save Lives – Flurry’s Story
Cats Pawjamas has received many generous donations from our recent fundraising plea, and we are deeply grateful for every single one! Your support makes it possible for us to continue rescuing and caring for cats and kittens in need.
Here’s a perfect example of why your contributions matter.
This is Flurry. He came to us as a tiny, four-week-old kitten who still needed bottle feeding. A little shy by nature, he didn’t always stand out at adoption events, but we knew he would find his perfect home in time.
Then, at about eight months old, something changed. Flurry became extremely picky with his food—yet still eager for mealtimes. He started losing weight. Now, at less than six pounds when he should be at least nine, it’s clear that something is very wrong.
After a vet visit and blood work, we discovered he is anemic, likely from malnourishment. The most concerning find? A severe lesion on his gum, likely caused by his upper canine tooth. While we never want to remove a healthy tooth, this may be the reason he struggles to eat. The surgery isn’t guaranteed to fix the issue, but at this time, it's our only hope. We are currently hand feeding him a very expensive food multiple times a day.
The cost of his care—blood work, vet visits, and the upcoming surgery—is estimated at $450–$550. This is exactly why we always worry about our medical reserves. Emergencies like Flurry’s can arise at any time, and we need to be able to act fast.
If you’ve already donated—thank you! Your generosity makes it possible for us to give cats like Flurry a fighting chance. If you haven’t had the opportunity yet, now is the perfect time. Every dollar helps ensure that Flurry and others like him receive the care they need.
Flurry may not be able to tell you himself, but as you watch him purr in this video, know that your kindness is giving him hope.
Donate Today
You can contribute directly through:
❤️ Venmo:
Some of the fosters at Cats Pawjamas have discovered an alien egg! The excitement!
11 of the 500 cats and kittens we have found homes for since we opened in 2020.
#catspawjamas #cats
When the baby wakes you up before the alarm clock does. If you like this video, please follow/like our page!
Hey! We are trying to increase our follower count. If you see this and want to help the kitties (and it's FREE!), follow us on FB!