moving the bees in...
 I missed getting a video of dumping the bees into the hive, but here is a little bit of footage that I was able to take...
Bee extraction, part two....
Remember in my post yesterday where I said we didn’t think we had the queen? Well, we got a call that there was a swarm in a tree close by to the place we took the honeycomb yesterday. It seems the bees that were left decided to go look for a new home, and they wouldn’t have done that without the queen. We were able to get there after work, and get the majority of the bees (and we hope the queen this time!) into a box to transport them to the new hive box.
A new home...
Lastly, we put the new frames into an empty hive. We’re not sure we got the queen, as we never saw her (she probably forgot to put on her crown 😂) but we will know in a couple days, if we see fresh brood in the hive.
getting the comb out...
I took a quick video before I had to start helping put the comb into the frames. And then my gloves were too sticky to take anymore photos!
We did a new thing tonight...
Hot day in the hive...
It’s going to be another hot day. The bees are already hanging out in front of the hive! 
“Dumping Bees“
Last night, we put a couple packages of bees into hives. Our junior beekeeper took this video of Dad. I can still remember the evening in 2012 that we installed our first two packages of bees into hives. It was about dark until we finished! 
Honeybees flying in slow motion!
It was chilly but sunny outside today, and the bees were really flying around, so I took this video of them in “slow motion“. :)
It’s great to see the bees flying around on a warm winter day! If you need honey, let us know. We have 1 pound, 2 pound, and 5 pound jars, as well as honey in the comb, pollen and beeswax candles. We also have maple syrup for sale from one of the farms that we keep our bees.
More honey extracting this week...
Busy day with the bees- caught a swarm today!