Rachel and Rodeo are doing a phenomenal job of working together and learning! This is their after just one week together… so this is quite the team! To help inspire the other new puppy owners we thought we’d share a video of what they have been doing! All of your puppies are brilliant and want to please you!
Watch how Rachel is using the cue word “Yes!” as well as treats to confirm to Rodeo that that is the behavior she asked for. This positive reinforcement is key to encouraging your puppies during their training.
#puppytraining #puppytrainingtips #trainingpoodles #puppytraining #partipoodlepuppies #positivereinforcement
Pickles visits my grandkids (and their ducks). She is still available to the right home.
#puppylove #puppiesofinstagram #standardpoodlepuppies #partistandardpoodles #kidsanddogs #puppylife
Introducing Splendor to ducks in a totally unfamiliar environment. We really do introduce our dogs to all sorts of stimuli. She followed the kids happily but didn’t seem too interested in their feathered friends.
#poodlesofinstagram #partipoodlepuppies #standardpoodlepuppy #partistandardpoodles #duckdog
Chia, (Willow Crest’s Light Heart), had a blast showing her puppies the outdoors!
#puppies #poodlesofinstagram #poodlepuppies #standardpoodlesofinstagram #partipoodlesofinstagram #partistandardpoodles #puppiesofinstagram #puppylife #puppylove
Another eating clip. They are REALLY into food!
#weaningwithlove #puppies #partipoodlepuppies #meetthelitter #poodlepuppies #partipoodlesofinstagram #standardpoodlesofinstagram
Sweet puppy moments with my granddaughter!
#puppylove #partipoodle #partipoodlepuppy #standardpoodlepuppiesforsale #partistandardpoodles #puppiesofinstagram
Another day in the adventure cube. The puppies are loving it!
#puppiesofinstagram #puppies #poodlesofinstagram #standardpoodlesofinstagram #partistandardpoodles #partipoodlepuppies #standardpoodle #partipoodlepuppy
First solid food for the puppies! 12 to clockwise: Cricket, Jenga, Dash, Splendor, Pickles, Wonder.
#partipoodle #firstsolids #poodlepuppies #standardpoodlesofinstagram #standardpoodle #partistandardpoodles #puppies #puppiesforsale
This little girl is Jenga!
(You can her the photographic assistant, Gemma, my granddaughter, soothing the puppies through the photo session).
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Introducing the (temporary) names for our “game parti” themed litter: Pickles (Pickleball), Jenga, Cricket, Wonder (7 Wonders), Splendor, and our one male, Dash (Balderdash).
#partipoodle #newbornpuppies #standardpoodlesofinstagram #standardpoodle #partipoodlesofinstagram #partilitter #puppies
Sleepy puppies!
#puppies #sleepypuppies #partipoodle #partipoodlesofinstagram #standardpoodlesofinstagram #partistandardpoodles #puppiesforsale #puppiesofinstagram
The puppies got a ton of cuddles from some of the grandkids today. Our puppies really are socializing with people of all different ages from a very young age. We introduce them to different sounds, smells, textures, surfaces, and people so that they can be as well-rounded as possible.
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