Yesterday I responded to a request for food by a single mom who was struggling. Turns out she had taken in her friends and their young daughter who have been living in their car. It was an incredibly kind thing for her to do, but she ran out of food for everyone faster than she had expected. When I asked her how many people she was feeding she responded, "I just care that the kids have some food." Today I was able to drop off groceries to them.
I was greeted by 2 very cute children who immediately discovered the candy bars that were hidden in one of the bags. When her mom tried to deter the 3 year old from opening the candy bar, she kept saying, "But I'm hungry!" Most of the time, when I hear a kid say that, I assume they are just trying to get at the chocolate, but I don't believe that was the case this time because as soon as the groceries were in the door and the mom said, "Are you hungry?" the kids flew into the house.
Thanks to your generosity, tonight they have milk, bread, eggs, peanut butter*, meat, veggies, fruit, cereal, and a lot more - enough to feed everyone till they can make it to the food bank. Today you not only fed 2 families, you returned the kindness this woman showed when she invited her friends into her home.
This is how we change the world... one unexpected act of kindness at a time.
*A huge thank you to the students at Tacoma City Ballet whose Christmas peanut butter drive continues to feed people even in June!