The puppies this week:
Each week gets better with these guys and I might have to stop writing, ”we couldn’t be more pleased,” because the next week we inevitably are.
The puppies are nine weeks old. We continue with regular field time, house time, play dates, and morning walks. This week we also began to play new games. Game # 1 is called The Crate is the Place of Treats and Amazingness. Game # 2 is called The Long Pully Thing (Leash) Means Treats Just For Following!
Not only are the pups learning so very much, but I am, too!
I’m serious about my goals with these babies. While nutrition, health, and selection of parent dogs is a beginning, it isn’t everything. A lot of how well they do in their forever homes depends on how we set them up now. I care about this. Sometimes it surprises me how much I care about this.
In my journey as a breeder I’ve avoided being an “expert” which would place me in a mindset of no longer needing to learn. I love the things I know already, but as I talk with potential buyers, add to and follow training group discussions, and read about the LGD breed in tandem with positive training methods, I am being introduced to the world of dogs in a way I hadn’t considered possible.
Near the end of his life, when Isaac Newton was complimented for his work, he said he felt he was a boy playing on the seashore. With all he contributed to science, he knew there was so much more out there he hadn’t even tapped. A quote I heard as a girl in school from Einstein went something like this: “The more I know; the more I know I don’t know.”
I feel this wonder!
These animals are so much more than a job accomplished on our farms. When handled well they become willing partners in the work we give them. The history, the effectiveness of positive training, the potential of each little fluffy marshmallow under my care, the men and women who have asked good questions whether they have chosen to purchase a puppy or not—they have all made me feel rich in ways I couldn’t have anticipated.
We still have seven pups available, but I already feel so very rich. The best treasures in life have nothing to do with money.