It’s canning season at the farm! #tapestrygardenandfarm#weeatlocalbecausewecan
Welcome to Spring
Just a little thing I did this week. Don’t miss the show this year!
I have to say that sometimes these days, the only thing that makes sense to me is feeding my fish. 😬🙄😂#tapestrygardenandfarm #fishinapond#farmlife #ilovemyanimalsfinnedorfurry
For all of you suffering through the intense heat...a few seconds of cool. Stay hydrated! #tapestrygardenandfarm #farmlife #fish #waterfeature #itstoohot #dogdaysofsummer #secretgarden
Hummingbirds in the garden.😍
Jin Yen one of our many farm cats supervises my cutting back of the ‘ Catmint’ today. I think she approves of my work. 😊#tapestrygardenandfarm #farmlove #farmlife #nepeta #catsofinstagram #farmcatsrule #springisintheair
This is at 4:38 Thursday, Lenny and I were working outside. Decided we should wrap things up and get in the house. We didn't make it quite that far. We were putting away tomato starts we had just shifted up and were in our prop house behind the barn.
I started another video and a short while later I realized this was no ordinary thunderstorm. I shoved my phone into my pocket, but it was still recording! I will apologize in advance for the swearing! You can hear the wind roaring, us yelling and later me crying. It was very scary and at the end of the video when I realized that all of this had been recorded, I sound completely incoherent. Think I was in shock.
If you're still reading this far, I wanted to share this to show you all how quickly this storm hit our little community. We know Lacey was hit hard too. We hope you are all safe. ❤️
Hey everyone, sorry if you've been trying to reach us the last couple of days. It's been a little crazy out here in East Olympia. 😜 Here is a video of the beginning of the second round of thunderstorms that hit us Thursday. I took this at 4:35. The next video I'll share was shot 3 minutes later...
I have read many reviews by "garden writers" critiquing nurseries and complaining about the weeds, as for us, we are enjoying the bees thank you.
We have been busy at the farm, getting ready for spring, see you all soon, Tracey, Lenny and Jack