Ok I just want to give y'all an update, sorry about the quietness I've been really busy with my health and with training my current service dog in training. First an update on Rue, he is now 8 months old as of the 28th of March and is doing really good in his training. We are currently in a adolescent phase so things are going a bit slower than we would like, he has started to go to therapy with me and will only go every once in awhile until either he is fully trained or until gazzer retires whichever one comes first! He is growing so fast, he is 24 in tall and around 45 to 50 lbs. We have also recently introduced walking beside a rollator and my white cane which will help with walking beside any mobility AIDS in the future, now let's move on. Because my health has been an issue rue is not where I want him to be in his training but that's okay every team is different and every dog is different! What might take a dog one year to be a fully trained service dog might take two or three years for another dog, we are doing our best to work at our own pace and focus on us as a team and not anybody else on the internet. The reality is that people post what they want others to see so here's your reminder to stop comparing yourself to other teams I know it's hard believe me I do I do it myself, but you and your dog and your team is the only thing that should matter! Hope y'all have a great day!!!
- The ILK9 family ❤️