Know where your dogs are at. I couldn't swing on this bird because I knew where Chief was so I took the shot I was comfortable with hoping to connect.
#mittendrahthaars #deutschdrahthaar #drahthaar #birddog #uplandhunting #birddog #pointer #retriever #versatiledog #michigan #michiganoutofdoors #projectupland #garmin #woodcock #ruffedgrouse #inukshuk
Ole man Chief!
#mittendrahthaars #deutschdrahthaar #drahthaar #birddog #uplandhunting #ruffedgrouse #michigan #projectupland #garmin #pointer #retriever #versatiledog #inukshuk
Giving them a fair chance! It was pretty cool seeing Judge and the ruffed grouse in a stale mate.
#mittendrahthaars #deutschdrahthaar #drahthaar #birddog #uplandhunting #pointer #retriever #versatiledog #michigan #michiganoutofdoors #projectupland #garmin #habitat #ruffedgrouse #inukshuk #poweredbyinukshuk
Dogs were happy to get back out! #mittendrahthaars #deutschdrahthaar #drahthaar #birddog #uplandhunting #pheasant #pheasantsforever #habitat #michigan #pointer #retriever #versatiledog #michiganoutofdoors #inukshuk
More Roosters! #mittendrahthaars #deutschdrahthaar #drahthaar #birddog #uplandhunting #pointer #retriever #versatiledog #michigan #inukshuk #projectupland #garmin #michiganoutofdoors #pheasant #pheasantsforever #habitat
@fourriversboats ebads with a @copperheadmudmotors kit 🔥
#mittendrahthaars #deutschdrahthaar #drahthaar #waterfowlhunting
Dogs tracked this jumpy bird for awhile so I slowed down to let them try to pin it. Here's the results.
#mittendrahthaars #deutschdrahthaar #drahthaar #birddog #uplandhunting #pointer #ruffedgrouse #woodcock #retriever #versatiledog #michigan #michiganoutofdoors #projectupland #garmin #inukshuk
Pay attention to your dogs 😅
#mittendrahthaars #deutschdrahthaar #drahthaar #birddog #uplandhunting #woodcock #ruffedgrouse #michigan #projectupland #garmin #pointer #michiganoutofdoors #retriever #versatiledog #michigan #inukshuk
Porcupine avoidance training every chance you get. This could of been bad. Both Chief and Judge smelt this guy and made the right decision. A quick shock to each dog as a reminder. #mittendrahthaars #deutschdrahthaar #drahthaar #birddog #uplandhunting #pointer #retriever #versatiledog #michigan #michiganoutofdoors #projectupland #garmin #woodcock #ruffedgrouse
Up close and personal!
#mittendrahthaars #deutschdrahthaar #drahthaar #birddog #uplandhunting #pointer #retriever #versatiledog #michigan #woodcock #ruffedgrouse #michiganoutofdoors #projectupland #garmin #inukshuk
Here's something I've been working on. When running multiple dogs in early season dense cover they can't see each other to back or honor. I've been giving the other dogs a whoa as they come in to help eliminate bumping birds or creating competition by stealing points.
#mittendrahthaars #deutschdrahthaar #drahthaar #birddog #uplandhunting #birddog #pointer #retriever #versatiledog #michigan #michiganoutofdoors #projectupland #garmin #woodcock #ruffedgrouse #inukshuk
Miss independent ❤️
#mittendrahthaars #deutschdrahthaar #drahthaar #birddog #uplandhunting #michiganoutofdoors
We were working these birds for awhile around this hill side. Low to no cover so the birds flushed. I sometimes think people are to worried about a "point". I know my dogs will point when they pin them down. But they can't point them all! We're a team.
#mittendrahthaars #deutschdrahthaar #drahthaar #birddog #uplandhunting #uplandhunting #sharptail #montana #pointer #retriever #versatiledog #inukshuk
Chief was retrieving a woodcock we just shot while Judge had another bird locked up! Unfortunately I missed!
#mittendrahthaars #deutschdrahthaar #drahthaar #birddog #uplandhunting #pointer #retriever #versatiledog #michigan #michiganoutofdoors #projectupland #garmin #woodcock #ruffedgrouse #inukshuk
Hot, thick and no wind! #mittendrahthaars #deutschdrahthaar #drahthaar #birddog #uplandhunting #pointer #retriever #versatiledog #michigan #michiganoutofdoors #projectupland #garmin #woodcock #ruffedgrouse #inukshuk
Nice point from Judge n Boss. The dogs broke and Boss relocated the covey beautifully. Unfortunately I shot two birds but somehow we never found the second. All I can say is I wish they wouldn't make the bottom two strands of fence barb wire! Nerve wrecking!
#mittendrahthaars #deutschdrahthaar #drahthaar #uplandhunting #birddog #pointer #retriever #versatiledog #inukshuk #garmin #projectupland #sharptail #montana
Boss and Judge working some sharpies.
#mittendrahthaars #deutschdrahthaar #drahthaar #birddog #uplandhunting #sharptail #montana #pointer #retriever #versatiledog #inukshuk #garmin #projectupland
Reba the #vizsla sticking em!
#vizsla #birddog #uplandhunting #pointer #montana #Sharptail #garmin #projectupland
First covey of the trip. Needless to say it got my heart pumping and made for some bad shooting 🤣
#mittendrahthaars #deutschdrahthaar #drahthaar #birddog #uplandhunting #pointer #retriever #versatiledog #inukshuk #garmin #projectupland #montana #Sharptail
Knocking off the rust and putting in some reps!
#mittendrahthaars #birddog #deutschdrahthaar #drahthaar #uplandhunting #woodcock #ruffedgrouse #michigan #projectupland #garmin #pointer #michiganoutofdoors