First vet visit today, we received so many compliments I was teary eyed leaving. These babies really are the best, so well behaved and personable. I’m so excited for their new families!
We are waiting on one last decision and a name or two, but I’ll be able to reach out to a couple folks waiting on an update about who’s still available. At that point, I’ll “formally” introduce you to everyone with their new name and share a bit about who is still looking for their family!
Here is a (muted) video of pups listening to fireworks today. You’ll see everyone flinch, that’s when I hit the volume up as high as it would go. Their full recovery took about 2 seconds, right as I got a call which killed the video. Why does it always work that way? 😂
You can say the babies took right to their “mush” today! As soon as they caught a whiff, they all literally dove in.
First “big kid” food, they’ll be getting 4-5 meals daily now. Oakley has done so well feeding them, but they’re demanding so much as they grow, she can definitely use the help with as many pups as she has!
Acting more like puppies every day! The pups are all more and more interactive every day. Several come up to us seeking attention, many will give up loads of kisses if you pick them up to cuddle. Such a cute stage!
They’ll be three weeks old tomorrow, I’ll try and get some updated individual pictures taken and posted. They’ll have a living space upgrade this weekend and then the real fun starts. 🥰
A little afternoon wrestling/chew on your siblings face session as I was cleaning their area!
Pardon Oakley’s panting and shaky camera work from her panting right up against me. She and I just got in from exploring for a while and it wore her out, apparently!
They’ve turned into actual puppies suddenly! Up walking and starting to wrestle with their siblings.
Please pardon the potties, this was less than 30 minutes after I gave them fresh pads. They keep me busy!
(If I owe you a reply, I promise I’ll get back to you this evening.)
Ten days old and they’ve all discovered they can use their legs to do more than scoot around!
I will get individual photos taken and posted tomorrow, finally. Everyone is thriving, but it’s been a lot of work!
It’s looking like we will have at least a couple pups heading to Florida, with a meet up in Valdosta, GA. If you’re down that way and were interested, I’ll have room for more on that trip. 😊