Family and loved ones.
We spend time with them, we call, hug them, tell stories of past times. But what happens when tomorrow is different? Tomorrow their voice is silent.
Time is a scary element that no one holds the answers to. We often center our lives around a general “number” that we hope to experience many milestones from growing up, studying and securing a career, starting a family, loving our grandchildren, and finally checking off the last items on our bucket list. For some of us, we are fortunate enough to live through many if not all of these stages, while others lives are cut short.
Parents and grandparents hold deep, special places in our hearts. Sometimes we are unable to put into words our true feelings, because our minds can’t formulate words to describe the pure, deep love we have for these wonderful people in our lives. When the time comes that we are no longer able to hear their voice or see their face or hug them tight, we lose a delicate piece of our heart and soul. This sadness, loneliness, and emptiness never truly heal. But over time we grow love to nourish those missing pieces we were blessed to experience together. As the years pass, it never gets easier but remembering the funny times, the sentimental times, and the days were we blessed to share together bring tears of joy and happiness. To live in a place where there is no hurt, no worry or sorrow is a magical blessing that I pray we all may experience someday.
In times of grief, I pray that you may find comfort in God’s arms wrapped around you as He calls your family member, dear friend, spouse, etc home. We are not meant to know the reasons or ask why, but instead trust in Him that His timing has a true reason. May you and your family be warmed by Gods gentle hand and deep true love during this Christmas season. What once was a goodbye is soon to be a “see you again.”
Psalm 28:6-7