✨I feel like naps are one of the most overlooked but CRUCIAL keys for success at home with raising your new puppy! An 8 week old puppy should sleep for about 18-20 hours PER DAY!
When awake, they will have short bursts of playtime and exploration. Then back to napping.
We like to call it the “recharge” here. 🔋😂 Sometimes they have short recharges, and other times they’ll sleep for 4 hours straight. It’s that afternoon siesta. 😴
If your puppy seems restless, cranky, bitey, or over hyper, they likely need a nap! If I have families calling for advice with a puppy that feels wild or won’t stop being mouthy / bitey, my first question is always “what’s their nap schedule looking like?” That answer always seems to be, there haven’t been any naps because we’ve had family over or kids constantly playing with the puppy etc etc. We get it! You LOVE your new puppy! But, just like a newborn baby, your puppy NEEDS to nap. 💤🐶 Once they fix that sleep schedule, their puppy goes back to the normal sweet, silly and only slightly wild and mouthy puppy that they are. 😂
Lots of sleep & a playpen or crate are 2 of the biggest factors in helping your puppy be successful in transitioning into your home & keeping your own sanity. 😉
My puppy families are always welcome to reach out! I feel like we are all learning here and can learn & grow from each other. 🙏🏼💖