Bills Country Dachshunds

Bills Country Dachshunds We are purebred Dachshund breeders located in the heart of Bills Country (Orchard Park, NY)


All puppies are now gone. Thanks to everyone. There will not be any future litters. We got our male fixed.

We have 1 short hair male looking for a home. He is 12 week and ready to go with his new family. He is very lovable and ...

We have 1 short hair male looking for a home. He is 12 week and ready to go with his new family. He is very lovable and love to cuddle.

We have 1 puppy that still needs a home. 11 week old short hair male.

We have 1 puppy that still needs a home. 11 week old short hair male.

We have 1 male and 1 female 9 week old puppies left. We also have a 8 month old puppy needing a home.

We have 1 male and 1 female 9 week old puppies left. We also have a 8 month old puppy needing a home.

We have 4 puppies left needing a forever home. 2 male (short hair) and 2 females (long hair).

We have 4 puppies left needing a forever home. 2 male (short hair) and 2 females (long hair).

6 puppies left!! 4 males and 2 females!!! Ready to go this week!!Female 2-Long HairFemale 5-Long HairMale 1- Long HairMa...

6 puppies left!! 4 males and 2 females!!! Ready to go this week!!

Female 2-Long Hair
Female 5-Long Hair
Male 1- Long Hair
Male 2-Long Hair
Male 3-Short Hair
Male 5-Short Hair

We have 4 puppies that are 6 months old. We have 3 males and 1 female. They are great around other dogs and kids. Create...

We have 4 puppies that are 6 months old. We have 3 males and 1 female. They are great around other dogs and kids. Create trained.
We also have 9 puppies that will be ready to go July 4th.

We are having technical difficulties sending messages but we can still recieve them, so until we can fix this issue you ...

We are having technical difficulties sending messages but we can still recieve them, so until we can fix this issue you can message us and we'll get back to you on our personal pages. Either from Matt Carr or Jenna Renee. Or comment on one of our posts and well get back to you. If we message you please look in your message requests as they might not come up in regular messages. Thank you!!

These are the puppies we currently have available. The will be ready the week of July 4th. Puppies are starting to open ...

These are the puppies we currently have available. The will be ready the week of July 4th. Puppies are starting to open there eyes and are getting big

2nd litter is here. 3 females and 3 males. All puppies will be ready by July 4th

2nd litter is here. 3 females and 3 males. All puppies will be ready by July 4th

We have 6 puppies that will be ready to go on July 4th. We have 2 males and 4 female.

We have 6 puppies that will be ready to go on July 4th. We have 2 males and 4 female.

Puppy number 6 is male

Puppy number 6 is male

Puppy number 5 is a female

Puppy number 5 is a female

Puppy number 4 is a girl

Puppy number 4 is a girl

Puppy number 3 is a female

Puppy number 3 is a female

Puppy 2 is a female

Puppy 2 is a female

Puppy 1 is a male

Puppy 1 is a male


Orchard Park, NY





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