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Previously we saw a pretty healthy mouth, this exam tells a little different story. Can you see some of the problems here?
Oral Endoscope Exam: Normal
An oral exam is part of your horse's routine health care!
A full exam can only be performed when the horse is well sedated and with their mouth opened with a speculum.
Several techniques are used including basic visual exam using a bright headlight, exam with a dental mirror, and as shown here an exam with an oral endoscope (small camera). This horse presented for an annual dental exam. Some minor abnormalities are present, including some sharp enamel points, but overall it is a pretty healthy mouth!
We have a new dental tool and we are super excited about it! Introducing our oral endoscope: now part of any full dental exam. This nifty gadget allows us to get a detailed look at the surface of every tooth, look closely for more subtle dental abnormalities, and document them with saved pictures or videos so we can better compare findings at each exam. The guy in this video is missing a few teeth!