Von Rein Dobermans

Von Rein Dobermans At Von Rein Dobermans we strive to help educate on the Doberman Pinscher Breed.

“Memorial Day is a day to remember those who died in war.  Among the dead in the South Pacific were many war dogs.  The ...

“Memorial Day is a day to remember those who died in war. Among the dead in the South Pacific were many war dogs. The first to die was a Doberman named Kurt.

In his book, The Foreign Burial of American War Dead, Chris Dickon wrote: No less so than their human comrades, the dogs were killed and wounded by gunfire and mortars, and no less so were they moved quickly to the rear when wounded, where veterinarians waited to give them care. By August 10, 3,000 American men and 25 dogs were killed, but the island was secured. So valued were the war dogs of Guam that as the dead were returned to the beach on which the invasion had begun, one was buried at sea and 24 were each buried in a section of the temporary cemetery created for the men with whom they had fought. At some point, they were each given a small headstone with a single name.

The photo is a Doberman and his handler checking a cave on Iwo Jima for enemy soldiers”

We would like to Welcome Mr. Apollo! (Black Male) Apollo is a senior Doberman Male from Foxfire Dobermans. He was in nee...

We would like to Welcome Mr. Apollo! (Black Male) Apollo is a senior Doberman Male from Foxfire Dobermans. He was in need of a soft landing and permanent home. This sweet 8, almost 9 year boy is settling in great here! We thank everyone involved in his rescue 🥰.
Promise (red female) is also glad to have a buddy to run the fields with.

Again, we will not be breeding for a few years at least. We are enjoying time with our 2 retired babies currently 😉

Happy Thanksgiving! Please remember what is safe and not to give your dog(s). They don't always need their own Thanksgiv...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Please remember what is safe and not to give your dog(s). They don't always need their own Thanksgiving plate 😉🦃


!important when buying a puppy!


Why do people recommend choosing a breeder who shows their dogs to folks who are just looking for a pet and have no interest in showing? Why should breeding to breed standard be important to a pet home? Does it seem excessive, or “snobby”?
It’s not, and here’s why.

Dog shows are a means of evaluating dogs against the breed standard, to evaluate soundness, movement/gait, type, and temperament.

Soundness: The state of physical and mental health when all organs and faculties are functioning properly, each in its rightful relation to each other.

Type: Breed type encompasses appearance, character, condition, bone structure, temperament, and movement; "breed type is all these things." Breed type also includes a character specific to each breed, a combination of behavior, temperament and carriage that demonstrate an essence of the breed.

Gait: The gait of a dog is its quality of movement. You want to see ease of movement, unimpaired by illness or poor structure.

Temperament: The general attitude a dog has towards other animals and people. From the Labrador Breed Standard "True Labrador Retriever temperament is as much a hallmark of the breed as the “otter” tail. The ideal disposition is one of a kindly, outgoing, tractable nature; eager to please and non-aggressive towards man or animal. The Labrador has much that appeals to people; his gentle ways, intelligence and adaptability make him an ideal dog. Aggressiveness towards humans or other animals, or any evidence of shyness in an adult should be severely penalized."

So. That’s a very basic intro to what goes on at a show... why does this matter? You want a pet, a companion, not a show dog, right? Well, you chose a Labrador for a reason. You’ve done your research, and have read that they’re great with kids and other animals, they’re gentle, not aggressive, they make excellent companions and love spending time with their people. That their good and kind nature predisposes many Labradors to be excellent therapy dogs. Good, responsible breeders seek to preserve those definitive and positive characteristics.

What about type and structure? How the dog is put together, able to move freely and comfortably? Would you rather buy from someone who has proven publicly, over time, that the dog they’re breeding can move well, free of limp, or a structural problem? Or just trust someone who has no interest in proving their dogs? It’s your puppy’s quality of life and comfort (as well as your wallet) that’s at stake.

Not every dog in a well-bred litter is going to be show quality- there will ALWAYS be pet-quality puppies. Well-bred, but maybe with a slight imperfection, and those are the puppies placed in pet homes. You don’t have to want a show-quality puppy to get a well-bred puppy!

This is not about being snobby, being elitist, thinking that one dog is “better” than another, it’s about ensuring you get a puppy that acts and looks like the breed you fell in love with. It’s about ensuring that all puppies have the best start in life, and will grow into a loving family member. It’s about loving our breed enough to want to see everything that’s good about them preserved for future generations to enjoy. If you want a healthy dog, with a properly sweet temperament, choose your breeder wisely!

Secrets of a Pet Dog Trainer1. Puppy teeth just don't hurt us anymore, but we pretend it's awful just to make clients fe...

Secrets of a Pet Dog Trainer

1. Puppy teeth just don't hurt us anymore, but we pretend it's awful just to make clients feel heard

2. Pockets are life. Clothes without pockets are pointless, you may as well go to work naked.

3. No, we are not like The Dog Whisperer. No, we do not love Cesar Milan. But we get asked at every party anyway.

4. We don't know where, but somewhere in our house or van is a handful of meat slowly rotting away

5. We rarely eat meals at your standard breakfast, lunch, dinner times. Most food is consumed in the van between sessions because we can prep DIY raw dog food til the cows come home but our own food....na

6. We can't drive past a "Land for Sale" sign without looking up the price on RightMove before remembering we've already spent all our money on our dogs

7. We hear "do you train husbands too?" and/or "I suppose you're a people trainer more than a dog trainer really aren't you?" every single day of our lives but we smile back every time.

8. Our garages, sheds and outhouses are ram-packed with random bits of equipment and other assorted junk pretending to be equipment, just in case we ever need a broken A-frame and 506 tennis balls to fix someone's dog

9. No matter how qualified & experienced you become, you will always be mansplained how to do your job by an old man in the park who's had German Shepherds his whole life.

10. For all the poo, wee, blood, saliva, sweat and tears we wouldn't have it any other way and most of us feel lucky to wake up in the morning and actually be excited about going to work.

Who has more to add?!?

Aiding in the search for the perfect pet home for a beautiful, 16 month black female Doberman. 4 generation, all AKC Cha...

Aiding in the search for the perfect pet home for a beautiful, 16 month black female Doberman. 4 generation, all AKC Champion pedigree. Performance prospect. Great with people, but she must be the ONLY pet (male dogs and cats included). By parentage- VWD Clear, DCM1 Neg, DCM2 Neg or Hetero. Will be spayed prior to placement.
This post is set to Public so it can be shared.

Please contact Elizabeth Monroe Barrett

Just a quick note for new puppy owners:The average age for PC muscle control and potty training is 16 weeks. If you hear...

Just a quick note for new puppy owners:

The average age for PC muscle control and potty training is 16 weeks. If you hear otherwise, your friends either hit the genetic lotto with their pup, don't remember their pups last accident, or are lying to one-up you for some reason (I dunno, maybe you have a frienemy,.. not my problem though, just speaking honestly here).

Either way - stop stressing your 12 week old pup's accidents so much. You're supposed to be creating positive habits; not making or breaking his or her ability to go outside.

Take it slow and remember that Rome wasn't built in a day. Instead, invest in white vinegar, a cheap spray bottle, a crate w/a divider, washable blankets, a blacklight flashlight, and TCK9 Puppy Classes.

You can thank me later. 😂❤️🐾

*Photo of Calida as a puppy just 'cause I can.

-Fallon Houser

Promise hanging out with the Squishmellow collection 🤣

Promise hanging out with the Squishmellow collection 🤣

Hey Everyone! Here at Von Rein Dobermans we produce a litter when we are wanting our next show prospect puppy. With that...

Hey Everyone! Here at Von Rein Dobermans we produce a litter when we are wanting our next show prospect puppy. With that we will not be having a litter for a couple of years.
If you want or need help finding a reputable breeder I am always here to help.

Please enjoy our educational posts on dobermans and training as I am also a professional dog trainer.


PEEPS!!!! Crating your dog IS NOT CRUEL.

We humans find this tool, and the confinement associated with it, mistakenly inhumane. Trust me, I used to feel this way myself, for years. And dealt with so many unnecessary headaches because of it.

It’s us. Not them, that feels this way.

What we NOW have to consider is that our dog’s are inherently den creatures. Dogs consider this small, quiet space, a place of stability, comfort, clarity, and structure. If you are providing your dog with plenty of opportunities to exercise and be active throughout the day, there is absolutely no reason to feel guilty about letting her recharge in a defined space. It’s when we spend every waking moment with our dog, shower them with endless, unearned affection, treats, snuggles, and play time, that we are left perplexed on why the dog cries bloody murder when stuffed into a box and left alone. We’ve neglected to cultivate the skills needed for independence.

The crate shouldn’t be viewed as a temporary system either - she’s potty trained, so the crate is no longer necessary. Dog owners that do not implement crate training into their daily routine, can expect an unnecessary struggle - barking, marking, chewing, destruction, and down right behavioral anarchy. Remember - what your dog practices regularly, especially in your absence, is who she becomes. All of those bad choices left uncorrected while you’re away, create the monster in front of you.

And guess what else! The crate is also your opportunity to practice your LEADERSHIP skills.

Huh? You don’t say...

Yep... Through YOUR Permission, your dog learns to honor YOUR request to wait to go in and wait to come back out. This is one, minor, yet CRITICAL step in controlling how your dog views you as her Leader. As benign as it may seem, this simple exercise can be transformative.

So crates are a GOOD thing! They ensure your dog’s state of mind is in the same place as when you left her. Not to mention, your house is still intact, and so are all the rules you enforce while in your presence. So why on Earth give your dog the opportunity to ruin all that you’ve worked so hard to cultivate?

Why training puppies or any dog in a fun manor goes such a long way!

Why training puppies or any dog in a fun manor goes such a long way!




My purchase of a well bred purebred dog does not condemn another dog to death.
My purchase of a well bred purebred dog does not result in an uptick in the shelter dogs.
My desire to have a dog with predictable temperament from a healthy line does not result in another dog not getting adopted at the shelter.
My careful research on the most responsible breeders who meet all requirements is not the problem. It's not what you should be mad at.
It's not who you should blame.
I am not the one who irresponsibly brought these dogs into this world and left them in a shelter. Responsible breeders aren't the ones bringing these dogs to animal shelters either.
It's my home, my life and my choice what kind of dog I want to bring in. Maybe I need a working dog, sport dog, show dog or just a companion dog of a certain breed that suits me best.
Whatever reason I choose to support a reputable breeder, it will not send an animal protection dog to death.
A breeder who does health tests, temperament tests and titling of their dogs does not contribute to the number of stray dogs.
The number of stray dogs in the world is a problem, but it's not a problem made worse by reputable breeders or those who buy from them.
Your neighbor who gets a "purebred" dog without papers because they're cheap is contributing to the problem.
Your friend who spontaneously bought a puppy from Petland is contributing to the problem.
The person scrambling to pump out the hottest designer mix ASAP is contributing to the problem.
Your relatives who have to get their dog covered once, "so she can experience what it's like to be a mother" or because "she's such a good/cute/sweet girl" are contributing to the problem.
Your old school mate who bought a working dog with lots of energy without taking the time to research its needs and character who ultimately sees it doesn't fit his lifestyle is the problem.
A reputable breeder offers lifetime support. A serious breeder would never allow their dogs to end up in a shelter from the start.
It's understandable to be angry about the number of homeless dogs in the world, but if you look closer, you'll find that your anger is misplaced.
-by Lindsay Hutslar

Always trying to help educate and spread the word! SSA and an Under Socialization are real and big things. It isn't just...

Always trying to help educate and spread the word!
SSA and an Under Socialization are real and big things.
It isn't just how you raise, genetics do play a role. How you raise them does matter for day to day life, however you can't fix or train out bad genetics.

The joys of working at a Dairy Farm 🤣🐄

The joys of working at a Dairy Farm 🤣🐄

Genetics Matter!

Genetics Matter!

The scariest thing a dog owner can say is "I don't judge a dog by its breed, it's all in how you raise them"


Genetics matter, immensely.

Retrievers retrieve,

Herders herd,

Terriers hunt,

Hounds bay,

Guardian breeds guard,

The list goes on.

For example... Sure you can train a dog but you can't take a game bred pit bull (An American pit bull terrier that is from bloodlines who had exceptional game dogs within the pedigree) and expect to love the drive to kill or maim other dogs (or animals) out of them, you will lose.

It's also extremely irresponsible, ignorant and a disservice to the dog in question to ignore what their breed purpose is...
How that may affect their temperament, drive, biddability and in turn, your lifestyle and your capabilities as a dog owner.


Wow! This post sure got some attention...

This post DOES NOT support BSL or anything remotely close. It supports unbiased education on what dogs were bred to do so people (including families) are better prepared for the dog they invite into their home.

Purpose bred mixes are a great example of genetics in dogs at play. They are mixing two purebred dogs to complement each other's genetic predispositions that are commonly seen within its breed. Take bandogges, bullherders or sport mixes... They are mixing these specific purebreds with specific genetic traits for specific purposes. Certain breeds excel at certain sports, activities and lifestyles. Take a hunters lifestyle versus a ranchers lifestyle versus a sport competition lifestyle; each of these requires a specific type of dog to fit in well with it.

Summertime and beautiful weather fun! Finn one of our 2022 puppies is back with us for a Board and Train and our residen...

Summertime and beautiful weather fun!
Finn one of our 2022 puppies is back with us for a Board and Train and our resident Bluetick is boarding with us for a little bit 😉.

I also see this all the time as a trianer! 💜💛💜💛💜Posted by a preservation breeder who is ALSO a Vet!!  Here's the real de...

I also see this all the time as a trianer! 💜💛💜💛💜

Posted by a preservation breeder who is ALSO a Vet!!

Here's the real deal, people:
Watching the Westminster coverage, I was struck by many things, but this remained the most prominent:
So many of these amazing breeds have critically low registrations. Just 600 Sussex Spaniels, to name one. Many of these are breeds that make amazing companion dogs, and the public knows nothing about them.
As a veterinarian, I average seeing about 3 "new puppies" per day (these can be existing or new clients, but new puppies to them), sometimes more, sometimes less. I would guess that about 3-4 of these each MONTH is a purebred dog. And maybe ONE is from a preservation breeder. The others are merle or off color "purebreds" or from mills.
The rest? Every sort of doodle you can imagine, or other mixes such as husky/gsd (no idea who is doing this, but please stop), pomsky, shipoo, havapoo, shichon, cavachon, the list goes on and on.
The sad part is that many of these owners are educated, smart people, who just truly don't know. They don't know about the amazing purebred dogs who would fit so much better in their home. They don't know that buying a purebred dog is buying predictability. They don't know about health testing or breed typical traits or breed typical health concerns. They know they want a puppy and they can go online and order one, and be fooled by photos and words. Some even say "when I got there I knew it was a mill, but I couldn't say no at that point."
We need to do better. We need to promote and educate and...go ahead and crucify me for this...breed more dogs. Stop vilifying breeders who actually breed. Because pretty soon, we are all going to be extinct and all that will be left is designer dogs.
When I can talk to someone BEFORE they get their puppy, I can make a difference. I can educate about breeds that may work for them, about health issues, and about finding the right breeder. But as the veterinarian, all I can do is sigh when I see yet another "cockadoodledont" on my schedule and educate after the fact about pet insurance and training and the things we can do to try to help that particular puppy.
I don't have the solution, but I do know that we have to do better.

Since it is National Dachshund Day let's post the brag from UKC Premier Nationals with our Ween! AKC Pointed, UKC Major ...

Since it is National Dachshund Day let's post the brag from UKC Premier Nationals with our Ween!
AKC Pointed, UKC Major pointed Endachs With A Cherry On Top DCAT TKN 🍒

Little Ms. Sundae had a great time and showed very well for her first UKC show and a big one at that. Taking her class 3 times, Best of Female Twice, Best of Variety Twice, Best of Breed and a Group 4 placement out of a Scent hound group of 9 dogs. So proud of this funny little girl!

Share your Weens with us 😉


Colour in Doberman Pinschers:

Doberman Pinschers come in FOUR colours.

Black/Rust, Red/Rust, Blue/Rust, and Fawn(Isabella)/Rust.

These colours are determined by the B locus and D locus as specified in the infographic.

There are backyard breeders and shady people breeding terribly poorly bred dogs as “Dobermans” in “rare” and “exotic” colours such as clear red/melanistic, cream, pink, platinum or white (which are all OCA4 affected albinism), and anything else they can mix into our breed.

Don’t let these people fool you, these are not Dobermans and are not something naturally occurring in the breed nor are they something ANY responsible and ethical breeder is breeding for.

As for dilutes, you may notice that Black/Rust and Red/Rust are the most common colours you’re seeing in the day-to-day Doberman.
This does not mean dilutes should not happen or that responsible breeders aren’t producing them - it can come down to preference of said breeder (breeding specifically to produce dilutes is never a part of a breeding decision).

Some breeders want to avoid dilution in their dogs and that’s okay.
Some breeders may occasionally have dilutes born without planning it and that’s okay.
Some breeders may want to work with dilution on a small scale and that’s okay.

The common issue in diluted Dobermans is Colour Dilute Alopecia. This is not something that affects quality of life and is manageable. No two dogs will be affected the same way.

CDA itself is poorly understood, but we know it affects the hair follicle itself.

There are lovely breeders in the USA who have produced some rainbow litters the past few years, and I am very excited to watch these dogs mature.

This infographic was made by the lovely team behind Epitaph Dobermans and on Instagram.
Art by Arielle Kenney.


--------------------------------------------------------------------------------For your Doberman's better health- DNA testing from Embark:https://shareasale...


Oregonia, OH


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