2-22-25 @ 1pm Gulfport Florida. Register NOW at Www. Florida wiener dog derby .com
All dogs welcome. Small dog breed and wiener dog races, food, and fun dog games and contest. Register at Www. Florida wiener dog derby .com
2-22-25 @ 1pm Gulfport Florida. Register NOW at Www. Florida wiener dog derby .com
All dogs welcome. Small dog breed and wiener dog races, food, and fun dog games and contest. Register at Www. Florida wiener dog derby .com
Avalon Park (Orlando)
Wiener dog and small dig races
Avalon Park Florida October 12
Small dog and dachshund race at Avalon Park Florida on October 12
World Equestrian Center. Date October 5th. Register now only at www. Floridawienerdogderby.com
10-5-24 @ 11 AM. WWW.floridawienerdogderby.com#dachshund #dog #fyp#neverstopwagging#dachshundwines #tampariverfest #wienerdogworld #disneyworld #orlando #bullysticks #floridadogs #realdonaldtrump #ivankatrump #trump #maga #donaldtrump #trumpwinery #naturalbalance #nutrisource #earthbath #nylabone #charlee_bear_dogtreats#earthrated #mistercarwashhq#bluedogbakery #titosvodka # chwinery #naturvet #designs_by_willow @rescuemebakerypetbakery@digginyourdog @cloudstarpets #nowfresh.petfood
World equestrian center
October 5th, 2024
I just got the official Ween Javket in the mail for our soon-to-be grand champion.
Thank you Lizzie Bell for making our annual jacket. I do believe this is jacket #8 or #9!
I absolutely LOVE the storm trooper accent to commemorate the theme this year!
STAR WARS SPECIAL! May 4th, 2024 at Riverfest in Tampa Florida. All dogs welcome. Small dog breed and wiener dog races. beer, food, and fun dog games and contest. Register at Www.Florida wiener dog. derby .com