Thank you to @andraebailey for joining our board and supporting the cafe's new non-profit foundation! We'll see him tomorrow night!
Night Night from the Kiddos! March 11, 2025
#thesecretlifeofcafecats #thekittybeautifulcatcafe #thekittybeautiful #thingstodoinorlando #catsoftiktok #catcafeorlando #catcafeadventures #catsofinstagram #catsoffacebook #downtownorlandocatcafe #downtownorlando #downtownorlandoliving
Today's episode of "Musings while airing out the cat lounge." No co-host. Today's song is "Record Player" by Daisy the Great. Don't know any of her other music, but this is a fun song. We discuss Hopper going home with me and what I will be making tomorrow for "Cats & Cocktails."
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Thank you to everyone who helped out cleaning today!
Night Night from the Kiddos! March 10, 2025. Special co-host was Brenda!!!
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Night Night from the Kiddos! March 9, 2025
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Today's episode of "Musings from airing out the cat lounge." Today's music is Dan Mangan, of course. :) We talk about Silver, Anne, Ricky and Hopper.
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Night Night from the Kiddos! March 8, 2025
#orlandofun #downtownorlando #catsarecool #orlandocats #downtownorlandocatcafe #thingstodoinorlando #catsoffacebook #thesecretlifeofcafecats #thekittybeautifulcatcafe #catsofinstagram #catcafeadventures #catcafes #catsoftiktok #catcafeorlando #thekittybeautiful #adoptdontshop🐱 #catcafe #adoptdontshop
Dear Internet,
We are quite perplexed. For five years, we've watched cats come and go through the doors of the Kitty Beautiful. 6 month olds barely old enough to hiss will disappear within days, tumbling into eager arms. Even the grumpiest old tomcats, the ones who look like they'd rather be anywhere else, eventually find their way to a sunbeam in a new home. Then there are cats like Moana – great cats, wonderful cats, yet, unfortunately, no one adopts them.
Moana is a sassy queen. A sleek, black and white tuxedo cat with a personality that could fill a stadium. She definitely acts like she doesn't like other cats, strutting around with her tail held high, shooting them disapproving glances. Although, we know secretly she likes Bongo and Hopper. She'll never admit it, of course. She says Hopper gets on her nerves with his constant clumsy antics. She has a big personality, she brings some drama, but she is definitely a dynamic feline. She is a vibrant presence, a little firecracker with a sophisticated air.
We get cats that are here for a day or two, or perhaps even a few weeks, that get adopted. So, why is Moana, the sassy, left behind? We guess maybe their humans haven't found her yet. Maybe the right person hasn’t walked through the door who understood that Moana's sass is just a shield for a very loving heart.
We hope they find her soon. She deserves to go to a good home.
So, we'll do my best to support her, to nudge her towards potential adopters, and to provide a little comfort in the meantime. And we look forward to the day we get to say goodbye because that will mean that she is finally going home.
-- Bongo Resident Cat, and The Kitty Beautiful Team
#thesecretlifeofcafecats #thekittybeautifulcatcafe #thekittybeautiful #thingstodoinorlando #catsoftiktok #catcafeorlando #catcafeadventures #catcafeadventures #catsofinstagram #catsoffacebook #downtownorlandocatcafe #downtownorlando #downtownorlandoliving
Night Night from the Kiddos! March 7, 2025
#thesecretlifeofcafecats #thekittybeautifulcatcafe #thekittybeautiful #thingstodoinorlando #catsoftiktok #catcafeorlando #catcafeadventures #catsofinstagram #catsoffacebook #downtownorlandocatcafe #downtownorlando #downtownorlandoliving