Pictured here is my very first horse and the reason I wanted to start this journey, Theo. I got him as a 4-year-old off the track. He came with some baggage both mentally and physically. When it comes down to it though Theo has the biggest heart and tries so hard.
Theo did so much for me, but something never felt quite right. After many many vet appointments with my favorite vet and the help of vets at MSU, it was decided that Theo needed to retire. He had many overriding or impinging dorsal spinous processes(kissing spin), chronic SI issues, and arthritis in his neck making him ever so slightly neurologic.
After finding that out I had extreme guilt. I jumped him, he went to many shows, and most importantly he kept me safe while doing it. He gave me signs but at the time I didn’t know what to do with that. I know I can’t blame myself for what I didn’t know, so I made it my mission to learn, so I could help Theo and other equines alike. Theo is living his best-retired life now. He gets regular check-ups from our favorite vet to make sure he is as comfortable as possible and he also gets many massages from me! The combination of these two things among others allows him to still be able to run and play in the pasture with his two girlfriends. He’s one happy retired ladies' man!
Now, not all horses are in the situation Theo is in but all can benefit from a good massage (a great relationship with your vet is also key). So you may ask… what are some signs your horse is experiencing discomfort a massage may help.
-The horse may be lacking in performance
-The horse may be cranky when being groomed or saddled and has been checked and cleared for ulcers.
-The horse's stride may be shortened
-The horse may be “naughty” under saddle
Contact me to make an appointment for your beloved equine friend! Buy one get your next one 50% off until December 31st