I absolutely love being involved in good CE, my sponsorship is money well spent to bring this amazing event to our local region!!
Since some say these posts haven’t been showing up on their news feed, I hope this one does - because we have some exciting news about our October 2025 Clinic here in Amesbury, MA!
The clinic sold out in November, and we had an almost 20 person wait list. Due to the demand, we have added a FOURTH clinician, which allowed us to open up more “small group” sessions, and add more spots to the clinic!
Pat Reilly is a professor of podiatry to veterinary students at Shreiber School of Veterinary Medicine, and has published research on hoofcare and footing and its effect on movement.
At the clinic, he will help us look at biomechanics of certain cases, alongside Dr. Jenny Hagen who also has many research publications on hoofcare and biomechanics, and Ula Krzanowska helping us look at hoof balance and conformation, and Celeste Lazaris looking at upper body muscling and movement and its effect down the limb!
We contacted the wait list last week, and many opted to join us, but we still have a few spots left.
If you’re interested in biomechanics, hoof balance, how the upper body affects the hoof and vice versa, and looking at hands on cases to test theories, consider joining us this fall ☺️
A bonus is you will get to see beautiful New England fall foliage!
The link is on the graphic and I’ll also put it in the comments- just testing what works with the silly Facebook algorithm ☺️
Also a huge shout out to our clinic sponsors who are helping us to get these amazing clinicians here!:
Custom Equine Nutrition, LLC - what we feed our rehab horses to get the best feet possible!
Progressive Hoof Care Practitioners - an incredible educational organization with a wonderful hoofcare community
Kahn Forge, Inc. - fantastic farrier supplies and tools
Equibalance Farrier Services - one of my mentors and a great farrier in NH!
Hometown Hoofcare - a wonderful hoofcare provider in AZ
Crown Point Services - for your insurance needs!
We do have some sponsorship spots still open and some do include participation in the clinic, so reach out if you’d like to help make this clinic happen.