In light of an accident that occurred while riding out from Hideaway Horse Camp, I feel it is important to pass this information along.
During a ride last September, after it had rained the night before, 2 of our guests experienced a rare event when riding under some power lines. The hair on their arms stood up, as did the mane hair on their horses. One horse reacted by striking out and the rider decided to get off. Considering how sensitive the skin on a horse is, it must have felt it was under attack by some unseen force.Although standing in a customarily safe spot beside her usually calm horse, it struck out lightening fast again, hitting its rider’s arm and breaking it.
Later, fearing that something was amiss with the power lines, I looked into what could have caused the event, which was under power lines that I had personally ridden under for years and had never experienced anything like this. In speaking with an Electrical Engineer experienced with high voltage transmission lines, I learned some interesting facts that everyone travelling under them should know:
-This type of event usually happens after a rain and especially if the grass under the lines is long.
-It does not make a difference if the horse is shod or not. In the above case, the horse had rubber boots on.
-Stay away from crossing under the lowest point in the slack of the power lines.
-Look for the nearest tower and travel along the side of the clear-cut right-of-way, as far as possible from the lines. When you reach the nearest tower, cross as close to it as you can.
Ride safe and return safe.