**? Adopted***I just picked up Rusty today. He appears to be a puggle. He 22 lbs. He came from a hoarder so he was a little nervous at first but he is loving running around with the dogs. He is a little over a year old and healthy. Location. Kansas City
Jack is an 8 year old beauty rescued from a puppymill in kansas. He is very shy of humans because he lived in a cage with little to no human contact. He is coming along and realizing how much better his lifebis going to be.
About the puggles. Their names are Amo and Camo. They are 4 years old. Owner kept them in crates 20+ hours a day. They are very sweet. A little crazy at 1st. They are good with other dogs. They need to be nuetered asap which we will have done. They need a fenced yard, some xtra patience and love. They have been together all their lives.
Someone asked for an update on Bobby. So here it is. Bobby went to his forever home this weekend. I miss him so much. So grateful he will have a great life. When I say I miss hom so much it's because I was his foster mom until he hot over the parvo and I became very attached. He did not die. He just went to his forever home.
Happy Memorial Day Weekend, Love Bobby
Good morning world, Love, Bobby
Good News Bobby gets to come home today. Bad news is his bill was almost $7,500. With the discount and 5,500 we have paid we still owe $1,500. If anyone could spare $20 or more. They wont release him until the bill is paid in full. We've never been this dire. After spending $7,000 on Sam I said i would not be able to do anymore severely sick dogs but the night I saw Bobby unable to move I knew he would die if he wasn't treated right then. I honestly didn't think he would make it through the night but he did and he is so precious. The reason why his bill was so high is because he was in ICU for 8 days, 6 of those were in the oxygen chamber and he had to have blood transfusions. He could use supplies too. He will be living in his own room at my house for now. If anyone with no other animals would like to foster him please let me know.
Bobby has been hospitalized for 5 days now. The good news is he has turned a corner and finally eating and less diarrhea. Hopefully ha can be discharged in a few days. The bad news is that he needed a plasma transfusion and is staying 3-4 more days than estimated. His bill is $5,700 as of today that's with the $2,500 deposit credited. We did ha a very generous person donate $3,000. We would still owe $2,700 plus 2 more days probably another $800. Bobby will be adoptable once he is healthy. He is so sweet and been through so much. Thank you to all those how donated and prayed fir him. Had we not gotten him to the vet Thursday night he would not be with us today.