Thank you everyone who has recently liked the page! It seriously means a lot to me. To give a little information, I strive to do the best I can and try to fulfill everyone’s needs the best of my ability. I am not a farm size breeder. Do I have plans to become one, absolutely! I’m constantly expanding by size and by production. I can breed to fit needs if possible. But I have to be honest, I have dedicated customers that are regulars and they come first. If we can agree on a price and you and I have an understanding, we can do business. There is not a minimum but there definitely is a maximum based upon inventory at said time. I look forward to doing business with many on here and I hope to gain and grow together. Whether it be by setting up your personal colonies or also being able to supply your feeder needs, to also being a fill in when need be. I strictly feed Mazuri 6F to all my rodents, I use Sani-chips as bedding I get from a local laboratory supply warehouse.