Owensville Animal Hospital

Owensville Animal Hospital We are an affordable full service veterinary clinic.

Update: Phones are working for now. ⚠️ OUR PHONES ARE DOWN ⚠️Due to the construction outside of our office our phone lin...

Update: Phones are working for now.


Due to the construction outside of our office our phone line keeps cutting in and out. When we answer the phone no one can hear us but we can hear you.

We had Spectrum here but they unfortunately said we will just have to deal with it while construction goes on. So nothing can be done unfortunately.

We ask for your patience and we will update this status when the phones are working properly. 🐾

💰 HUGE SAVINGS ON PREVENTION 💰Chewy currently has flea/tick and also heartworm prevention 50% off your first autoship or...


Chewy currently has flea/tick and also heartworm prevention 50% off your first autoship order!

You can cancel your autoship at anytime with no fees. We recommend you cancel it after your order ships 😁

Requirements for heartworm prevention:

Your pet(s) need to be current on their annual physical examination, have a current negative heartworm test as well being current on their heartworm prevention.

Requirements for flea/rick prevention:

Your pet(s) need to be current on their annual physical examination.

Click the link below to be taken to the deals ⬇️


‼️ EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY ‼️We will no longer allow dogs in our office on retractable leashes. We had a recent incident t...


We will no longer allow dogs in our office on retractable leashes. We had a recent incident that could have been avoided if the dog was not on a retractable leash. We’ve had numerous incidents of owners allowing their dog(s) to be on the other side of our lobby with their retractable leashes fully extended out.

We also require, and have required, cats to be in cat carriers. Not boxes, or totes or laundry baskets. They must be secured in an actual cat carrier. We will no longer make any exceptions.

If you do not have a proper leash we will provide you with one for during the duration of your visit with us - or for purchase at $8. If you do not have a cat carrier we have cardboard cat carriers that will cost you $8. We have no carriers available to borrow for sanitary purposes - they must be purchased.

Amazon has affordable options:

Cat carrier: https://a.co/d/hkCjECA
Dog leash: https://a.co/d/j7BwTUp

We also ask while you are here that you keep your pets close to you and away from other pets. While your pet may be friendly the other pet may not be. We do not need to add any extra stress to our patients from unwanted visitors in their personal space.

There will be absolutely NO EXCEPTIONS so please do not ask. These policies are in place for the comfort and safety of your pets, our clients and our staff 🐾

‼️ WE WILL BE CLOSED JULY 4TH - JULY 14TH ‼️We ask that if your pet is on medication that you make sure you have enough ...


We ask that if your pet is on medication that you make sure you have enough to get through the time that we are closed. As there will be no staff during this time.

As a reminder as well, if your pet has anxiety to fireworks we ask that you reach out to us NOW to get medication for them. Your pet MUST be updated on their physical examination before we can prescribe any medications to your pets - that is the law.

If you are to have an emergency we recommend you give MedVet Cincinnati a call. For non-emergencies we recommend Hillside Small Animal Hospital, LLC in Batavia!

We hope everyone has a fun and safe holiday 🇺🇸

‼️ WE WILL BE CLOSED JULY 4TH - JULY 14TH ‼️We ask that if your pet is on medication that you make sure you have enough ...


We ask that if your pet is on medication that you make sure you have enough to get through the time that we are closed. As there will be no staff during this time.

As a reminder as well, if your pet has anxiety to fireworks we ask that you reach out to us to get medication for them. Your pet MUST be updated on their physical examination before we can prescribe any medications to your pets - that is the law.

We hope everyone has a fun and safe holiday 🇺🇸

This Friday is Vaccine Clinic Friday!! 🐾This is a service to the community - on average there has been a 1-2 hour wait. ...

This Friday is Vaccine Clinic Friday!! 🐾

This is a service to the community - on average there has been a 1-2 hour wait. If you, or your pet, simply can not wait that long we ask that you schedule an appointment with us.

The vaccines at our Vaccine Clinic are the same cost as they are at all times within our office. The purpose of our Vaccine Clinic is flexibility (no appointment needed) and the $50 examination fee is waived as full physical examinations are not performed.

As always Vaccine Clinic is ONLY for healthy pets. We do not do nail trims, fecals or do any type of diagnostics at Vaccine Clinic. If you have a concern please call us and schedule an appointment for a full examination.
We are asking for you to come inside, without your pet and only one person if possible, to sign in. Once signed in, we ask that you wait in your car until we come out and let you know we are ready for you and your pet(s).

We do not allow people waiting for their turn to stay inside. There is simply not enough space with people checking in, checking out and waiting for test results - so please plan accordingly for a potentially long wait in your car or walking your dog!

If your pet is aggressive (whether dog, cat or human) vaccine clinic is not for them. If your pet requires a muzzle we will not see them at Vaccine Clinic. We also can not see known vaccine reactors at clinic either strictly due to not having the time to pre-medicate!

Hope to see you & your pets this Friday!! 🐶🐱

Over the last few months we have seen several positive for feline leukemia cats - unfortunately at the end stage of the ...

Over the last few months we have seen several positive for feline leukemia cats - unfortunately at the end stage of the disease.

So we figured we'd share some information about feline leukemia and how you can protect your cats against such a devastating diagnosis!


What is Feline Leukemia?!

Feline leukemia virus (FeLV) is a virus that infects cats. It was first discovered in cats with a form of leukemia (cancer of the white blood cells). FeLV can cause a variety of diseases in addition to leukemia. Like all viruses, FeLV is a tiny microorganism that can only replicate itself inside living cells. FeLV is specific to members of the cat family and does not pose a risk to other species of animals or people.

How is FeLV transmitted?

Direct contact between cats is the most frequent method of FeLV infection. The virus is fragile and cannot survive longer than a few hours outside of the cat. A cat with FeLV sheds a large quantity of the virus in its saliva, as well as in other bodily fluids such as nasal secretions, urine and f***s. However, FeLV is not a highly contagious virus, and transmission generally requires a prolonged period of close contact between infected and susceptible cats. Close contact activities include mating, mutual grooming, and sharing of litter trays and food bowls. Cat bites by an infected cat can readily transmit infection.

Another potential source of infection occurs when a pregnant cat infected with FeLV gives birth. In this situation, the kittens may be born with FeLV virus or, more likely are infected when their mother grooms them. However, most queens infected with FeLV are infertile or there is pre-natal death of the kittens with abortion or resorption of the fetuses.

How do you prevent FeLV?

Vaccines are available to protect cats against FeLV infection. Their use is highly recommended for any adult cat that goes outside at any time and therefore could have contact with FeLV-infected cats. Vaccination is also recommended for all kittens, regardless of lifestyle, because kittens are highly susceptible to infection. As with other vaccines, an initial course of two injections is required, and regular boosters are necessary to maintain immunity. Your veterinarian will discuss the most appropriate vaccination options for your cat with you. All cats should be tested for FeLV prior to vaccination.

Although vaccination is very helpful in preventing infection with FeLV and therefore controlling FeLV-related disease, no vaccine is 100% protective. Do not allow your cat to roam. When possible, do not allow your cat, particularly as a kitten, to come into close contact with known FeLV-infected cats or cats without a known history of proper vaccinations.

More info: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/1098612X19895940

‼️ WE WILL BE CLOSED JULY 4TH - JULY 14TH ‼️We ask that if your pet is on medication that you make sure you have enough ...


We ask that if your pet is on medication that you make sure you have enough to get through the time that we are closed. As there will be no staff during this time.

As a reminder as well, if your pet has anxiety to fireworks we ask that you reach out to us NOW to get medication for them. Your pet MUST be updated on their physical examination before we can prescribe any medications to your pets - that is the law.

We hope everyone has a fun and safe holiday 🇺🇸

Summer is the perfect time to enjoy the outdoors with our dogs 🔆While many of us love soaking up the sun, we need to be ...

Summer is the perfect time to enjoy the outdoors with our dogs 🔆

While many of us love soaking up the sun, we need to be mindful of making sure our canine friends do not overheat. Overheating can result in a life-threatening emergency called heatstroke, caused by prolonged exposure to hot or humid environments, and it occurs more often during the summer months.

What is heatstroke?

Heatstroke is a life-threatening medical emergency that is caused by a marked elevation in body temperature after prolonged exposure to hot or humid temperatures, or strenuous exercise.

Dogs most commonly get heatstroke when they are left alone in a hot car, left outside in hot and humid weather without shade, and when exercising in hot and humid conditions.
Who is most at risk for heatstroke?

While some dogs are at higher risk, it's important to note that all dogs are susceptible to heat stroke. Dogs only have sweat glands on their paws so their primary method of dissipating heat to cool themselves is through panting.

Brachycephalic breeds (short-muzzle breeds such as Pugs, Bulldogs, Boston Terriers, Boxers, Frenchies etc.) cannot pant as efficiently and have a harder time keeping themselves cool, putting them at a higher risk in hot or humid weather.

Extra precaution should also be taken with overweight, elderly dogs, those with underlying heart or breathing conditions, and those with thick or dark colored coats since they are at a higher risk for heatstroke.

What are the signs of heatstroke?

Heavy panting, seeking shade, whining, reluctance to play and drooling may be early signs that your dog is overheating.

Bring them into cool air conditioning with access to water immediately. You can also wet them with cool water and place them in front of a fan. Be sure that double-coated breeds (e.g. Siberian Huskies, Pomeranians, Great Pyrenees, etc.) are wet down to the skin.

If your dog continues to excessively pant and drool, or they begin to have difficulty breathing, bloody diarrhea, vomiting, weakness, confusion, seizures or collapse, then they should be taken to a veterinary hospital immediately — these are signs of heatstroke which is a life-threatening medical emergency.

🧨PROTECT YOUR PETS THIS FOURTH OF JULY🧨We recommend you secure a safe place for your pets to be inside and make sure the...


We recommend you secure a safe place for your pets to be inside and make sure they are leashed with a properly tightened collar, only two fingers should be able to be slipped under collar, or harness so that they can not slip out if spooked.

You can use ambient noise like a tv in the background or a fan going to help block out the firework noise.

Give them new toys during this time to keep them busy and occupied. Lots of play time with them to also help get their ears off what's happening outside.

If you have outside cats or dogs we recommend you bring them inside during this time.

If your pet(s) is current on their annual physical examination we can dispense anxiety medications that you can give to also take the edge off - just give us a call.

We offer microchipping for $45 that includes lifetime registration through HomeAgain. We have two vaccine clinics between now and The Fourth of July where they can be placed - June 14th and June 28th. If your pet is already microchipped please make sure it is registered AND has updated information now! An unregistered and not updated microchip has no purpose.

Every year 1 in 5 pets go missing because of fireworks.


This is the first stage in a tick life cycle 🤢 Eggs. Thousands of them! We hatched them, FOR SCIENCE OF COURSE, from a b...

This is the first stage in a tick life cycle 🤢

Eggs. Thousands of them! We hatched them, FOR SCIENCE OF COURSE, from a brown dog deer tick that we took off a dog last week. No worries, they are all deceased now.

Depending on the species, ticks can live up to three years, during which they go through four distinctive life stages: egg, larva, nymph, and adult. Once the egg hatches, a tick needs a blood meal at each stage in order to survive and continue to grow. For females in particular, feeding is essential for reproducing and laying eggs. Each phase of a tick lifecycle is different and at certain stages these pests pose serious problems for humans and our pets. 

After feeding, nymphs will transition into adults by fall or winter. During this final stage of their life, they will again seek out a blood meal as females in particular prepare to reproduce. Hungry adult ticks that became infected with disease-causing bacteria during their larva or nymph stage can still transmit these pathogens to hosts at this phase as well, making tick prevention important even during the winter months if temperatures are mild enough for tick activity.

After feeding, adult ticks will mate, with males typically dying after mating with one or two females. Adult females who have mated will then lay thousands of eggs during the spring before dying soon after, as a new generation of ticks begin their life cycle.

So now you know. We hate ticks here but we wanted to see how small ticks really can be and now we all personally know and promptly exterminated them. Make sure your pets are on tick prevention year round - Ohio never seems to get cold enough anymore to actually kill ticks during the winter. So they are always a risk!

We are due for some of Edgar’s shenanigans 😂So here are some photos from the last few months. He truly is so full of per...

We are due for some of Edgar’s shenanigans 😂

So here are some photos from the last few months. He truly is so full of personality at his senior age of eleven-ish 🐾

**Yes he is pink. Yes we colored him that color on purpose. Yes it’s cat safe. No he doesn’t care that he’s pink - he’s color blind anyways. In fact, he loves the extra attention he gets 🥰

This is AMAZING news for our cats! FIP was a fatal disease until 2017. However, those drugs are not on the market in the...

This is AMAZING news for our cats!

FIP was a fatal disease until 2017. However, those drugs are not on the market in the states for your veterinarians to be able to prescribe it.

Starting June 1st, 2024 it will be easily attainable.

The rumors are true! Stokes Pharmacy to Offer Legal FIP Treatment in the US Available June 1st. Stokes Pharmacy has formed an exclusive partnership with the Bova Group to offer a U.S.-made compounded oral treatment for feline infectious peritonitis (FIP). This treatment is supported by Bova’s unique drug formula, which has been utilized in clinical research studies across the globe and is currently in use in the UK and Australia.

Stokes Pharmacy’s compounded preparation will be available by a veterinarian prescription only. In order to prescribe, please sign up for iFill at https://www.ifill.com/

More information coming soon!

Update: Road is open. There was an accident in front of our office blocking our main entrance ‼️You can still get to our...

Update: Road is open.

There was an accident in front of our office blocking our main entrance ‼️

You can still get to our office by going straight (or turning) on the road between BP and the old bank building (N. Broadway Street) and turning directly onto Rust Road.

Unsure when it will be cleared up.

THE DAY IS FINALLY HERE 🌑☀️We will be taking a moment to go outside and watch the eclipse today. We recommend you do too...


We will be taking a moment to go outside and watch the eclipse today. We recommend you do too, with proper ISO glasses of course!

You shouldn’t be concerned about your pet’s eyes unless you have pets that already like to stare at the sun on a typical day... and if you do have pets that do that then you should already have concerns because that is not normal behavior.

Enjoy this super fun day 🔆

‼️ LIMIT REACHED FOR VACCINE CLINIC ‼️For the very first time, we are unable to accept any more clients for vaccine clin...


For the very first time, we are unable to accept any more clients for vaccine clinic today. We are maxed out and the wait is currently two hours.

Thank you for your understanding 💛

‼️ WE ARE CLOSING EARLY TODAY ‼️We will be closing by 4pm today due to the weather.


We will be closing by 4pm today due to the weather.

Protect your cats from these beautiful plants. 🌷It’s best to just not have them around your feline friends in our opinio...

Protect your cats from these beautiful plants. 🌷

It’s best to just not have them around your feline friends in our opinion. It’s always okay or “they don’t bother them,” until it’s not and sometimes that’s too late! It’s not worth the risk.

Plant responsibly. 🌱

More info: https://be.chewy.com/which-plants-are-poisonous-to-cats-a-complete-guide/


Has your pet ever been diagnosed with ear mites?!

This is what they look like under the microscope 🔬

The ear mite is a surface mite that lives on cats, dogs, rabbits, and ferrets. It is usually found in the ear canal but it can also live on the skin surface.

Ear mites are highly contagious, and animals become infested by direct contact with another infested animal. The mite is barely visible to the naked eye and may be seen as a white speck moving against a dark background.

Infestations are a very common problem in puppies and kittens, although pets of any age can be affected. Clinical signs of infestation vary in severity from one pet to another, and may include combinations of:

• Ear irritation, leading to scratching at the ears or head shaking.
• A dark waxy or crusty discharge from the ear.
• Areas of hair loss resulting from self-trauma caused by the dog’s scratching or excessive grooming.
• A crusted rash around or in the ear.
• An aural hematoma (a large blood blister on the ear, caused by rupture of small blood vessels between the skin and cartilage); this occurs due to the dog scratching at their ears.

Skin lesions most frequently affect the ear and surrounding skin but occasionally other areas of the body may be affected.

Several prescription flea preventions like Revolution (+), Simparica and Bravecto prevent and kill ear mites.

More info: https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/ear-mites-otodectes-in-cats-and-dogs



If we do not have your email on file we highly recommend you give us a call to add your email. We send out emails regarding schedule changes and office closures.

Our next vaccine clinic is Friday, April 5th 🔆

UPDATE: OWNERS FOUND 🥳———————————————————————————‼️ FOUND DOG ‼️This dog was found on Jackson Pike today. Please let us ...




This dog was found on Jackson Pike today.

Please let us know if you recognize this dog!

We will NOT be having a vaccine clinic this Friday! Dr. Sandfoss is not going to be in the office but we will have a rel...

We will NOT be having a vaccine clinic this Friday!

Dr. Sandfoss is not going to be in the office but we will have a relief veterinarian for that day.

League for Animal Welfare does offer a vaccine clinic this Friday from 11am to 1pm.

In Ohio it NEVER gets cold enough for long enough to kill ticks ☃️We see ticks year round and always recommend keeping y...

In Ohio it NEVER gets cold enough for long enough to kill ticks ☃️

We see ticks year round and always recommend keeping your pets on prevention year round because of it. Not only are ticks just absolutely disgusting they also carry some terrible diseases that can destroy your pets kidneys, nervous system, joints and heart. In more severe cases a tick bite can kill your pet.

The most common disease we see is Lyme disease, Anaplasmosis and Ehrlichiosis.

Most common symptoms of tick borne disease(s):
• Limb lameness
• Inappetence
• Lethargy

The longer they go with the disease the more harm the disease does. Lyme disease in particular can cause irreversible kidney failure. Prevention saves our pet’s lives ☀️

Did you know there are several different tabby colors?! Often time we see some confusion on what color tabby their kitty...

Did you know there are several different tabby colors?!

Often time we see some confusion on what color tabby their kitty is. So one of our staff members took a great picture to display 3 different tabby coats!

Can you correctly name each tabby color?! 🙃

Did you know?! It is recommended to sterilize cats by five months of age. They are nothing like dogs and the earlier you...

Did you know?!

It is recommended to sterilize cats by five months of age. They are nothing like dogs and the earlier you fix your cat the better - it can be done safely as early as 8wks and 2lbs!

This recommendation prevents unwanted litters and greatly decreases mammary cancer risks in female cats as well as spraying/marking in male cats, but still allows kittens time to grow.

We have spots available still with one of our rescue partner’s low cost feline spay/neuter program for only $30 (yes it includes pain medication for females). So please give us a call to get on the schedule 💛

We have partnered with Fostering Felines to offer low cost spay/neuter surgeries for cats✂️We have appointments availabl...

We have partnered with Fostering Felines to offer low cost spay/neuter surgeries for cats✂️

We have appointments available as soon as February 13th - You do not have to be a current client!

There are a limited amount of spots so give us a call sooner rather than later to get on the schedule 🐈

*If this post is still up there are still spots left*

✂️ Clermont County Spay & Neuter Program ✂️

The cost is only $30 per feline. This works for feral cats brought in feral traps (ear tip mandatory for all cats brought in traps), stray cats, friendly cats, family cats. We don’t care what their living arrangements are as that has never stopped cats from reproducing before…

We can’t intake every cat, or even half the cats we are reached out about, so we are going to try at the very least to keep those cats from reproducing. Our pet population is because of owners not being responsible with their intact animals - cats being the biggest issue. So let’s all fix that!!

It is recommended across this country to spay/neuter cats by 5 months old and younger (8wks/2lbs). Waiting to spay or neuter your cat serves no benefit - they are not like dogs. They can be done as early as 8wks and 2lbs.

Male cats will need to go home same day and female cats will spend the night (No exceptions) at our veterinary partners and go home with pain medication at no additional cost. You are able to get vaccines, FeLV/FIV testing, deworming, microchips and flea prevention at an extra cost to you.


Give Owensville Animal Hospital a call Monday through Friday 8am-5pm to get on the schedule. There are a limited amount of spots and the $30 is required at the time of making the appointment; No exceptions as this is the agreement between us and our veterinary partner to help stop people from "no showing" their appointment.

This program is ONLY for individuals that live in Clermont County, OH - no organizations.


We’ve had a few calls concerning Purina 🐾If your pet is currently eating Purina and is doing great we highly recommend k...

We’ve had a few calls concerning Purina 🐾

If your pet is currently eating Purina and is doing great we highly recommend keeping your pet on that diet. The best rule of thumb is to feed your pet a diet that is AAFCO approved and works for your pet - whether that’s Purina or not.

We recognize that not all diets work for all pets (and humans) and that is okay! It’s the same with medication - it does not make the medication/food in itself bad.

There are currently no proven cases of these new online claims. We ask that you do your due diligence when reading claims online. The internet can be a great tool but it can also be a way for false claims to be circulated rather rapidly too.

If you do have any concerns or have any questions please reach out directly to Purina: https://www.purina.com/contact-us


116 E. Main Street
Owensville, OH

Opening Hours

Monday 7:30am - 5pm
Tuesday 7:30am - 5pm
Wednesday 7:30am - 5pm
Thursday 7:30am - 5pm
Friday 7:30am - 5pm




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