Sadie is doing great learning her place command with distractions! This little girl is so fun to work!
#togodbetheglory #dogtrainer #frenchie #frenchielove #dog #train #dogtraining #findyourpurpose #FollowYourPassion #womanownedbusiness #lovewhatyoudo #workingdog #puppylove #sweet #dogs #startthemyoung #puppy #obediencetraining
Jedda doesn’t play when you try to touch her momma!
We had a great time showing this fellow what it is like to catch a protection dog!
#togodbetheglory #malinois #k9 #belgianmalinois #dogtraining #personalprotectiondog #dog #womanownedbusiness #k9dogs #lovewhatyoudo #workingdog #guarddog #findyourpurpose #FollowYourPassion #dogtrainer #guard #security #securityguard #partner #newchapter #movingforward #nextlevel #puppylove
Miss Rouge is doing big dog things!!! This little girl enjoyed getting to demo what catching a baby maligator is like!
#togodbetheglory #malinois #k9dogs #dogtraining #findyourpurpose #k9dogs #womanownedbusiness #FollowYourPassion #personalprotectiondog #dogtrainer #lovewhatyoudo #newchapter #puppylove #dog #guarddog #belgianmalinois #k9 #workingdog #rogue
Vudu is a tracking machine and she found the lost lady! #togodbetheglory #workingdogs #dogtraining #k9dogs #dogtrainer #malinois #lovewhatyoudo #findyourpurpose #FollowYourPassion #personalprotectiondog #womanownedbusiness #movingforward #trainyourdog #nextlevel #newchapter #track
After a short break, Miss Sadie and her sister Kay were ready to start back with individual lessons!
#togodbetheglory #frenchie #workingmom #workingdogs #puppylove #FollowYourPassion #findyourpurpose #lovewhatyoudo #dogtraining
Jedda got her turn to play today giving a demo in muzzle!
#togodbetheglory #workingdogs #guarddog #dogtrainer #womanownedbusiness #movingforward #dogtraining #malinois #lovewhatyoudo #findyourpurpose #k9dogs #FollowYourPassion #dog #personalprotectiondog
We loved getting to visit with Skyya yesterday. Very seldom do I ever rehome one of my personal dogs, but this sweet girl needed more of a home environment than a work environment. I could not be more grateful that God gave her a new family that could love her just as much as we did. She went from being part of our pack to being the leader of her new pack, and Sky is getting to be spoiled with all the loves!!!!
#togodbetheglory #sweet #sky #malinois #dog #k9dogs #womanownedbusiness #guarddog #personalprotectiondog #findyourpurpose #lovewhatyoudo #FollowYourPassion #movingforward #puppylove #dogtrainer #trainyourdog #dogtraining #newchapter #nextlevel
Jojo the legend
I love this boy so much and the power and control he possesses. #togodbetheglory #workingdogs #workingmom #belgianmalinois #guarddog #k9 #workingdog #personalprotectiondog #findyourpurpose #FollowYourPassion #lovewhatyoudo #malinois #dogs #womanownedbusiness #k9dogs #dog #trainer #nextlevel
Miss Rogue
I absolutely love her drives and helping her to develop into a little rockstar!!!
#togodbetheglory #DogTraining #malinois #puppy #workingdog #guarddog #belgianmalinois #findyourpurpose #FollowYourPassion #movingforward #womanownedbusiness #k9dogs #personalprotectiondog #puppylove #start #them #startthemyoung
Tracking days are always great! My boy Cochise is getting the hang of the game!!!!
#togodbetheglory #chocolate #labrador #DogTraining #dog #track #trainer #workingdogs #womanownedbusiness #FollowYourPassion #findyourpurpose #lovewhatyoudo #movingforward #nextlevel
Rogue makes me absolutely love what I do! She is a grand pup off of Jedda and Felon and is proof of good genetics!!!! She is so much fun and just like her granddaddy Felon! There is no doubt this young girl will be a complete rockstar! #togodbetheglory #puppy #dogs #DogTraining #dogtrainer #workingdog #lovewhatyoudo #womanownedbusiness #trainyourdog #puppies #findyourpurpose #FollowYourPassion #belgianmalinois #guarddog #malinois #dogs
Cash is one of our newest students!!!! His parents signed him up for individual obedience classes where they will train with him. He will also be learning tracking here with us at Camley Kennels! We are beyond excited to be working with this cute baby!!!
#togodbetheglory #gsp #DogTraining #puppy #dog #trainer #workingdog #womanownedbusiness #FollowYourPassion #findyourpurpose #lovewhatyoudo #dogtrainer #obediencetraining #nextlevel #movingforward #puppies #trainyourdog #track #cash