Cat Trapping in Dresses!
Just a little behind the scenes of one of our founder’s favorite weekend activities…TNR (trap neuter release) in a dress! Kidding not kidding.
The reality is, we get it in where we can fit it in!
And when spay/neuter clinics are on Saturday mornings, that means Friday night might be formal wear cat trapping!
This cat colony site is where the dream of Volcano Cat Sanctuary all began, and once it is open, we will not only rescue kittens, but plan to have some long-term adult and elderly cat residents, including one guy we spot every night we do feeding and TNR here.
Stay tuned for part two, clinic day!
#adoptdontshop #savealife #volcanocatsanctuary #rescuecats #tnr #hawaii
Hey family, we caught three beautiful kitties at a local cat dumping spot and got them fixed at PetFix yesterday. I know it’s a long shot, but I wanted to see if anyone wanted to adopt them before I release them back today. They all appear to be under a year old and friendly. Please each out ASAP if interested. Will waive the adoption fees for these babies.
When volunteers are in the house, the kitties know who to schmooze to get extra good lovin while the getting is good! We’re so SO grateful to our volunteers who come and cuddle & socialize with our kitties! Of course, we love help with the cleaning and other tasks, but honestly, these babies THRIVE with the extra attention. Wanna get your hands full of some lovey dovey fuzzy babies? You can apply to volunteer with us by sending us a DM and we’ll be happy to get you where you need to go! #catrescue #adoptdontshop #volunteer #catlovers #kittens #dopamine
If you're sitting at home wishing you could be part of #LoveYourPetDay but find yourself without an animal companion...look no further! 🐾There are so many kitties not only in need of permanent homes, but also in need of foster homes! Fostering is a great way to "test drive" having an animal while making the world of a difference to a pet in need. ❤️💘 Here are some of our available cuties! 😻
The land has been cleared for the Volcano Cat Sanctuary! Next up is a whole lot of red cinder deliveries, and spreading, and then we’re going to be ready to start the very first structures. This is an incredible milestone for us. At one point this was just a little vision to help our tiny corner of the Big Island, and be a part of what has to be a community and county-wide effort to address the overpopulation of homeless kitties. But now it is coming into reality, and along the way we have already being doing our part to assist in TNR efforts, rehoming dumped adult cats, rescuing and rehabbing kittens, and then adopting them out, and generally trying to collaborate in the creative solutions that this beautiful island needs to do right by ALL of its creatures and environments. We’ve learned a lot of lessons along the way, and will no doubt still have big learning curves ahead. But this progress is just so heartening. We definitely need hands, hearts, and dollahs on board to help us make this a reality. Please consider going to our linx to see how you can be a part of what we are creating!-The Volcano Cat Sanctuary crew#catsanctuary #rescuecats #teamworkmakesthedreamwork #dreamcometrue
@You know the recovery is going well when Niko is ready for some good old rumble tumble kitty time! We’re so glad she’s doing better after having such a bad reaction to her spay surgery sutures. She’s getting closer to being ready for her forever home! And we couldn’t be happier. She’s such a cute little snuggler. #catrescue #catlovers #savealife #rescuecats #healingjourney
Agatha and Wanda are watching the movie “Flow”, which main character is — a cat. 😸
According to their wonderful adopter they watched the entire movie. 🍿 We love these updates, knowing how loved our former lil’ rescues are in their forever homes. 💖🐾🎉🍿🐾💖
Meet one of our caretakers at Volcano Cat Sanctuary!
And his favorite part of the day is…
Cleaning the litter boxes????
Watch to find out why!
Happy Tuesday from our kitty crew!
Update on the Sanctuary! We’re making a lot of progress on clearing a small part of the land where the first sanctuary structures will go. We’re definitely still needing donations, as this is not a cheap endeavor!This is mostly coming out of pocket right now. We will keep rescuing kittens, but over time we want to support more adult kitties, including some elder kitties. It’s much harder to get adult cats adopted out. But every adult cat was once a kitten. It’s an important lesson that so many cultures around the world understand: we don’t lose value as we age, and neither do cats. If you wanna support our work in building the sanctuary (which will be open to the public in the future), you can find all sorts of options to do so in our bio!#seniorcats #adoptdontshop #catrescue #catsanctuary #hawaii #volcano
Here’s our founder helping to rehome a dumped kitty from one of the local transfer stations.
Dumping kitties at the dump is a massive issue in Hawai’i.
This particular boy had been spotted by some other feeders, and someone had offered to adopt him, if he could be caught.
Since our founder also helps with feeding, and we help with trap/spay & neuter/release to support the reduction in the overall cat population, she was there and was thankfully able to catch him.
It was clear he was dumped, since he allowed himself to be picked up very easily.
That is not the behavior of an adult feral cat.
Why he was dumped? Hard to know.
People moving off island. People who didn’t want a cat anymore. People who lost their rental, and couldn’t find a place that accepts cats. People that trap other peoples’ cats for no good reason, and then drive them to other parts of the island and dump them.
And so many more.
This little one is lucky!
Adult cats are not the easiest to find homes for here, because there is such a massive kitty overpopulation issue.
But he is sweet and social, and hopefully now gets a chance at a new family.
Thank you to everyone who adopts not just the kittens, but the older kitties.
Just a little behind the scenes at some of the other things we do in the community.
Happy Sunday!
Here’s a little update on Niko, one of our babies who had a bad reaction to the sutures in the spay/neuter surgeries.
She’s in really good spirits, despite being pretty confused by her little romper style kitten sweater, meant to help protect her while she’s healing. But the purrs are still there!
We have raised a some of the funds needed to help us cover the emergency costs associated with these surgeries. Small amounts multiplied by many people can make a real, life long change for these kittens. Can you help us get there?
You can find all of our ways to do it here:
Just a few clicks and done! And these kittens get their medical care covered! We know there’s a lot going on in the world, and we don’t take it for granted that you choose to support our little kitty rescue corner of Hawai’i. Mahalo for each and every one of you.
-Volcano Cat Sanctuary
#adoptdontshop #savealife #catsofig #kittenrescue
Oh gosh, what a sweet, dear adoption event we had today at the Kohala Coffee Co. at the Puna Kai Shopping Center! We are not ashamed to admit that several tears were shed, not only by us, but from several adopters, too.
We had a few kitties on top of our “wish list” to be adopted, who were a tad older, who we knew were not the most desired ones.
We cannot express our gratitude for the adopters who showed up today. Yes, they might have come for some of our rescued “designer kitties”, but they opted for the ones who were less desirable. Gosh, between the tears and hugs shared, we were able to adopt 7 extremely precious kitty cats out today.
We are so utterly grateful to these adopters, our volunteers and to our community.