Noooooo! Ginger Peach did me wrong. Some fragrances are hard to work with. This is supposed to be a creamy consistency. I blended it until my poor immersion blender overheated.
This fragrance overheated last time I tried to make soap with it. I made sure to soap at a very cool temperature this time and use less honey than I normally do. This fragrance smells so wonderful that I had to try again.
I didn't have any protective gear on but wanted to sneak a peek into the super we added a few weeks ago. I'm happy to see the girls have started working on it and they were nice enough to not sting me.
Looks like the returning ladies have full saddlebags. The alfalfa field across from us is getting pretty tall so they have lots to collect close by. As for the ants, they try to get in but the girls won't let them. 🙂
#goatmilksoap #milkandhoneysoap #rawhoney #realpahrumphoney #faintinggoats
Today we split our two hives and added three new boxes. I was only going to add two but we had so many brood frames, I decided to add an extra one. Fingers crossed that they create new queens. I couldn't find the original queens because the frames were so covered with bees it was hard to see. They seem to be very active and I hope it's a good thing.
If I sound like I know what I'm doing, I don't. I watched a bunch of YouTube videos and learned from beekeeping Facebook groups. Most people don't do splits this late in the year but we're across from hay fields that grow into the winter so I'm confident they'll have plenty to gather and I'll feed the new hives if I need to.
Felt brave today so I went and checked on the girls. We added additional boxes to their hives to give them more room a couple of weeks ago. They haven't started building comb in them yet which is a little disappointing. It's so hot, I didn't put my suit on. They were nice and calm, just bumping into me because I was in their way.
#faintinggoats #babygoats #goatmilksoap #allnaturalsoap #myotonicgoat #babyfaintinggoats
Baby Goat Heaven!
#goatmilksoap #faintinggoats #familyfarm #smallbusiness #myotonicgoats #babyfaintinggoat
#faintinggoats #babygoats #goatmilksoap #allnaturalsoap #myotonicgoat #babyfaintinggoats
Quads for Sassy. 3 girls and a boy.
This is why our goats are so friendly.
#faintinggoats #babygoats #goatmilksoap #allnaturalsoap #myotonicgoat #babyfaintinggoats