A beautiful soft tanned whitetail piebald doe skin recently sent home! If you have skins or pelts you would like soft tanned for your home or cabin decor, I use the best garment tannery in the USA for our soft tanning. They do an incredible job and have never let us down in the hundreds of pelts I have sent.
After tanning I also block and resize your pelt or skin to get most of it’s original size back that is shrunk during tanning. It will also take most of the wrinkles out of the pelt. This is a vital step in making a good wall hanging garment that is often left out by most taxidermists tanning wallhanger pelts.
Deer Skin $450
Bear $450 w/o head and feet
$600 w/ head and feet
Coyote/ Fox $300
Bobcat $350 #northeastcustomtaxidermy #tanning #garmenttanning
A beautiful soft tanned whitetail piebald doe skin recently sent home! If you have skins or pelts you would like soft tanned for your home or cabin decor, I use the best garment tannery in the USA for our soft tanning. They do an incredible job and have never let us down in the hundreds of pelts I have sent.
After tanning I also block and resize your pelt or skin to get most of it’s original size back that is shrunk during tanning. It will also take most of the wrinkles out of the pelt. This is a vital step in making a good wall hanging garment that is often left out by most taxidermists tanning wallhanger pelts.
Deer Skin $450
Bear $450 w/o head and feet
$600 w/ head and feet
Coyote/ Fox $300
Bobcat $350
Over the years I often get questions about fleshing. For most of my fleshing I use an ulu knife. I’ve found it to be a lot quicker and easier than using a two handed knife for most critters. I still use a two handed knife on raccoon and black bear because they are very fatty and push easily. There is a learning curve to an ulu. Hopefully this helps some folks out and gets you to learn some new techniques. I used to dread fleshing, now I enjoy it.
Also, if anybody needs fur tagged in the Central Maine area, we now tag fur. If you had fur left over from last Fall that you haven’t shipped to auction yet or sold locally, we are buying some limited fur… mainly looking for marten, fisher, otter, and some canines at this point.