Check out this week’s MISSION PAWSIBLE article from Steve!
WaterGate, IranGate, KittyGait
Nope. Not a feline political scandal. This blurb is about the unusual way that cats walk.
Watch Suzie B’s video as you read this. (Yes. That’s dear Jackson in the background. May Bast bless him.)
Her back left (BL) foot will move forward to replace her front left (FL) foot. During the exchange, her FL anticipates the lift, leaving Suzie supported on her two right legs until her BL is set. Then she repeats the process on the opposite side, moving her back right (BR) to replace her front right (FR). Moving one side at a time makes Suzie rock slightly left and right, shifting her weight to balance on the currently steady side.
Her walking gait is thus: BL FL BR FR.
While many four-legged critters walk like this, more use a diagonal gait: BL → FR → BR → FL. This gait tends to be more stable than Suzie’s as the two legs on the ground are not both on the same side. There are lots of Internet references that claim that only cats, camels and giraffes walk like Suzie B. They’re wrong. Many other animals, including dogs, walk with this gait.
When cats speed up, they have a completely different gait. I couldn’t get Suzie B to race around the Senior Room but you can Google “youtube cheetah running in slow motion.” At top speed, cats have all four feet off the ground.
Steve, CFC Volunteer
Beagle heaven!! Honey and Hazel showing off their new yard!
Honey and Hazel's initial walk through in their new home! Looks like they'll have lots of canine companionship.
Honey and Hazel are enjoying their HUGE yard! Jill reports that they are getting used to their new routine and are very happy!
Winston's best friend, Angela, shares beautiful memories of his life at Caring For Creatures.
Be sure to have your sound on! There is nothing more precious than the sound of an infant's laughter. Hazel and Honey are on an Extreme Sleepover with hound experts and former adopters and foster parents, Sarah and Matt. They have made great strides in their home and are ready to move forward into a forever home. Read more about them here: