Hello Zoo Family!
First, I need to thank each one of you for the well wishes, thoughts, prayers, virtual hugs, and anything else you have sent my way.
My surgery was December 3rd, and after a small tug of war between PT and the doctors, they decided to send me home the next day. With pain control I was able to jump through all the hoops that I was supposed to for physical therapy.
However, since I've been home, of course just like any significant surgery, things have definitely changed. This surgery, in comparison to that of 2 years ago, is a whole different ball game. My incision previously was approximately 2 inches long. My incision this time is somewhere between 9 and 12 inches long.
I am following all instructions from the doctors and physical therapists and doing everything that I possibly can to make my recovery a smooth one.
I did go to physical therapy today on an outpatient basis and found that I've lost a lot of function in my right leg. Hoping this is just a result of the surgery. But this makes recovery and healing quite more significant.
I was told the recovery would be similar to my last surgery which had me back in 4 to 6 weeks. However, I don't see me returning anytime near 4 to 6 weeks this time. I think I'm looking at more of 6-8 weeks. I need to make sure everything is where it needs to be and when I get all the clearances from my physical therapists and doctors, I'll consider returning to light work.
I'm going to follow every single last instruction given to me. I need the surgery to work and I need to live pain free from here on out.
And so I ask to please continue your understanding with Jenna manning the Ship of TVZ. So far she's doing a rocking job keeping everything together. It's not easy, by any means. And believe me as soon as I have any semblance of a return date even if it's paperwork / desk work, you will be the first ones to know. And so with your prayers and thoughts please send some of those Jenna's way as this is going to be a much longer time for her as well.
Please keep Jehna in your thoughts!!!
The Zoo Family is one of a kind, and I know with all of your support, absolutely anything is possible. And so again I thank you for all of your continued love and support.
I will be sure to put out an update right before Christmas so everyone knows where things stand.