My brumation room is all done, and full of very sleepy colubrids. 26 adults currently at 52F with a fan circulating the air to keep it blended and even temperatures. R-15 in the walls and ceiling. Bare concrete walls allowing the naturally cool ground temps to chill the room. 2025 Should be a very productive year.
1.1 Applegate Pyro het Albino
1.1 hypo DH albino Lavender Cali kings
0.1 Lavender Cal king
1.0 mosaic Cal king
1.0 Het Leucy DH Hypo Anery Alterna
0.1 black Gap DH Hypo Anery
1.1 MBK het T+
1.3 Leonis Kings
0.1 Hypo Honduran
1.2 T+ Nelsoni het Splotched
1.0 Motley Honey het Hypo
0.1 Diffused Honey het Hypo
0.1 Palmetto
1.0 Fire (albino blood red )
0.1 Blood red
1.1 Spector pHet Albino
0.1 SunKissed Ghost