Signature Quarter Horses & Creations

Signature Quarter Horses & Creations Since 1986 we have been boarding, breeding and showing horses. Overnight Boarding Available

Dara was a previous riding instructor for OSU, IBHA World Top 10.Chelsea the farm manager has several High Point accomplishments, including an NBHA World Show finalist.

We love seeing Google reviews! Except from the people who've never even been to the farm! We can't wait to see what the ...

We love seeing Google reviews! Except from the people who've never even been to the farm! We can't wait to see what the future has in store for sweet Haley!

Happy 4th of July!!! Stay safe.

Happy 4th of July!!! Stay safe.

Your seat is the foundation of good riding. It controls energy and momentum. Engaging your core is necessary for seat co...

Your seat is the foundation of good riding. It controls energy and momentum. Engaging your core is necessary for seat control. Balance, stability, and presence are crucial for body control. It is more important to focus on your body than your hands while riding. Learn to use your body effectively.


"How much for a lesson and what is included in that cost?"

How many trainers, stables, owners hear this question? We give a simple price and simple answer of $50 per one hour for a private lesson, etc.

But what we really should be saying is you get all of this:

You get the years of knowledge and experience that we put into breeding a quality animal that will be rideable.

You get the years of experience that it took to be able to properly select a horse safe enough for a lesson for your child.

You get the years of time spent by us putting education and mileage on the lesson horse to know how to do its job.

You get to use our tack that we spent hours searching for at the right price and fit, the saddle, bridle, bit, saddle pad, girth. The halter and lead rope that brings it from the pasture. The hoof pick, curry comb, brushes, shampoo, hoses, buckets that we purchased to properly groom and bathe the lesson horse to keep them healthy for your lesson. You get the hay, grain, water, fly spray, wormer, vet bills, farrier and medicine, chiropractor, supplements, shavings, stall mats, barn, fencing, electricity, insurance, clippers, combs, sheets, winter blankets, towels, brooms, feed bins, water troughs, muck rakes, washer, dryer, grooming boxes, saddle racks and horse trailer, tires, brakes and maintenance on the trailer and truck that hauls that is needed when the horse needs to go to the vet. You get the coggins, vaccines, dental.

You get the labor that goes into cleaning and feeding. The time and labor of the person who has to walk a horse thru the night that might be colicing. You get to put wear and tear on our farm, on the footing in our arena, our poles and barrels. You get the cost of our tractor and ring drag and their maintenance.

You get to let me put our lesson horse's health at risk when you ride them and hope for $50 they don't end up permanently lame.

There is a reason "we require a commitment to regular lessons" and we don't allow my lesson horses to be ridden 5 days a week, and only use them 2 so they hopefully stay healthy and sound.

But, maybe people expect more for their lesson costs?


Day 3: Fun tip. Your horse should bend his entire body around the barrel, not just his neck, so remember to also use your inside leg when you ask for each turn.


Day 3 part 2: Correct use of circles develops impulsion – Helps a horse learn how to manage its emotions. Circles teach a horse its responsibilities – Maintaining gait, direction and looking where it is going. Circles are great for teaching a horse the correct body flexion and removing braces in the horse's ribs, shoulders and body.


Day 3 Part 1: Training is not always about patterns or rail work, making sure you have control of their hips and shoulders with soft hands is so important.


Day 1 Part 3: Two hands are essential when training. There are two sides of the horse to train to move around correctly. These exercises not only help your horse precisely, they help build the muscles for when they are ready to make that turn when they are ready.


Day 1 Part 2: When adding more forward motion, always be mindful of where your body position is, and that your horse is responding to your cues. Make sure their hips and shoulders are corresponding with yours.


Day 1: Every transition you ride should be a good one because this is your foundation. I'm going to start a little series on this mare, showing progress and how important the basics and a good foundation is. Everyone gets to see Chelsea at the races, but many of you miss out on the hard work she does at home. So, enjoy the journey.

There is just something about growing up in a barn. You learn about life in such a different way.You learn to take pride...

There is just something about growing up in a barn.

You learn about life in such a different way.

You learn to take pride in what you have and to be content in what you've been given.

You learn about how fragile life can be.

You learn to respect and to listen.

You learn to hold tight to your family because, after all, they are all that matters in the end.

And my kids and grandkids get the opportunity to experience all of that. They get to learn firsthand what no book, school, town or city could ever teach in the same way.

Every day they get to make their own memories. Memories I hope they look back on one day with a smile. I hope they realize how fortunate they are to get to learn about life while in the barn.

Spa Day at the Farm. Shout out to James Funk for always keeping our horses in top shape!

Spa Day at the Farm. Shout out to James Funk for always keeping our horses in top shape!


Life Lessons of a Horse Person:

1. People who don't take care of their own horses will be the first ones to tell you how to care for yours.

2. You should never buy a cheap girth!

3. A handsome horse who's badly behaved will become a lot less attractive in about 15 min.

4. People who think they have nothing more to learn about riding, hit the ground the hardest.

5. Children and ponies are natural allies and often have identical dispositions.

6. The richest horse people often look the poorest.

7. The closeness of a horse is one of the sweetest smells in the world.

8. A solitary ride through the bush is more beneficial than six months with the best psychiatrist.

9. The worse a person rides, the more likely they are going to blame it on the horse. !!

10. The best thing about going to the barn first thing in the morning is that horses don't care how you look.

11. If a dealer insists a horse is worth twice what he's asking, he's usually worth half that much.

12. The best way to appreciate how another person rides is to get on
their horse.

13. I can recognize another horse person no matter what town, city, state, county or country I visit.

14. You can never have too many hoof picks.

15. It is not wise to argue with something that outweighs you buy 1,000 pounds

16. I'd rather have a horse with a perfect mind than a perfect head.

17. Eight hours is too long to be in the saddle!

18. If you think you have left the water on in the barn - you have, if
you think you have closed the pasture gate - you haven't.

19. When someone asks you if you like their horse, always say yes

20. The happiest people I know own horses, dogs, cats and at least one
deranged goat or donkey.

21. If you're looking for the perfect horse you will never own one.

22. Owning a horse can either make a marriage or break it.

23. I can't stand to have an empty stable.

24. You shouldn't talk about your first place ribbon to someone that
came in second.

25. If someone says that a horse has a little buck, it has a BIG buck.

26. If we need rain, schedule a show, if you want it to quit raining
put down fertilizer or grass seed.

27. I've never warmed up to someone that didn't want to walk down to
the stables.

28. A clean stable and a sparkling horse are among life's great pleasures.

29. Even giving away horses can be too expensive, and free horses are never truly free.

30. No matter how badly behaved you are, your horse always gives you a
second chance.

31. A more expensive horse doesn't make a better one.

32. Losing a horse can break your heart, but it will have been worth it.

Author unknown

Shoutout to Quality Hay in Fountain!! They have the finest hay around. Contact Jim or Denise!!

Shoutout to Quality Hay in Fountain!! They have the finest hay around. Contact Jim or Denise!!


Yesterday Chelsea was out giving a lesson and I heard this. "How did you teach him to do that, it's so cool". Her reply "Patience, lots of patience."

❤️  Rodeo is living his best life at 23 ❤️

❤️ Rodeo is living his best life at 23 ❤️

When you tell them you've been riding for years and you're experienced at 21.

When you tell them you've been riding for years and you're experienced at 21.

The view is better from the back of a horse.

The view is better from the back of a horse.


Chelsea hauled 3 horses to the Florida Panhandle Saddle Club show today and had a fabulous time! Our two mares by our stallion did great. Roxy won the Adult Barrels and Poles and her little sister Soxie was 6th in barrels and 5th in Poles (pretty amazing since we've never run Poles on her). Of course Rodeo (our old faithful fella) was 2nd in the Poles. Remember to celebrate the milestones as you prepare for the road ahead!

Friday Tip for Finding a Riding Instructor:I'd definitely make it a point to watch a few lessons, both for beginners and...

Friday Tip for Finding a Riding Instructor:
I'd definitely make it a point to watch a few lessons, both for beginners and advanced riders. It's important that the instructors are not only supportive and encouraging, but also willing to provide constructive criticism when it comes to equitation. If a rider is being too rough with their horse or relying solely on kicking, the instructor should step in and gently remind them about the importance of having soft and steady hands, as well as using their seat effectively.

When it comes to their attitudes, I wouldn't tolerate any snobbish or rude behavior. The instructors should be good teachers above all else. After all, you're investing your hard-earned money for you or your child to learn, not to be put down or made to feel terrible. It's crucial that they have a genuine love for horses, and that passion should shine through in their teaching and in the condition of the animals. Horses are not just animals to them; they hold a special place in their hearts.

Guess who's coming to town? Text and get on the books!! Can't wait to see you James Funk!

Guess who's coming to town? Text and get on the books!! Can't wait to see you James Funk!

Horses teach children so many valuable lessons, other than just riding. Children learn how to be kind, well-rounded indi...

Horses teach children so many valuable lessons, other than just riding. Children learn how to be kind, well-rounded individuals, who are aware of how their actions affect others, and who aren't afraid of hard work. These are all lessons that will last children through their lives.


Barn owners and trainers...

They spend way more hours at work than you could even imagine. They are here six if not seven days a week every week. They work holidays. They work weekends. And just because their office is outside and they get to be surrounded by beautiful animals the whole time does not mean they aren’t working. The barn to you is your sanctuary. It’s your escape. It’s your place to vent. Your place to relax. Your place to unwind. That is not what the barn is to them. While they have moments of serenity when everything is quiet, this is still their job. they are still on the clock. They still need to be on their game. Always.

Their job is not just riding. They deal with all of you every day. Long before and long after they have come and gone from the barn. During dinners. During drinks with friends. During family time. On days off. They are here for you.

They care. They care more than you could ever know. Each and every horse is a part of their soul. They know their mannerisms. They meticulously watch their weight, their movement, monitor what they eat and how much of it, how much they work, whether they are happy doing their job, and how to make them go in a way that pleases you without jeopardizing them. They stay up late with them if they are sick. They write down every time they batted an eyelash wrong. And they remember what they need when.

They take pride in them going well for you. They listen to every flaw you find with them, even if it is in fact your flaw, and try to help them do their job better. When you are unhappy with how they go, they strive to never let it happen again, even if your expectations are unreasonable. They bend over backwards to make your horse perfect, even if what you’re asking for is a horse without spirit, or personality. They stand up for them when they can, trying their best not to make you upset in the process. They are their life’s work, and they know them inside and out.

They listen to you. Whether you are rational or not. They remain calm when you bring the stress of your day job to the barn and take it all out on your horse and on us. They pick up the pieces when you’ve been unforgiving with your horse, who was simply surprised by your lack of patience after a long day. They are your rock, your shoulder to cry on, and your horses.

When they go home, they still reply to your texts and your emails and your calls. They are never off the clock. They take in stride as best we can your rants of frustration when your horse or your riding isn’t exactly where you want it to be exactly when you want it. They take the blame. For you. For your horse. For everything.

And yet here they are. Still showing up. Still being here for you. For your horse. No matter how you treat them. Regardless of whether you deserve them. They are here.

Been a while since Chelsea got to run our horses, but she had a great day at the Florida Panhandle Saddle Club race toda...

Been a while since Chelsea got to run our horses, but she had a great day at the Florida Panhandle Saddle Club race today!!

Last weekend this was my view for 3 days! So thankful Doctor Bess is coming back to the Panhandle!!

Last weekend this was my view for 3 days! So thankful Doctor Bess is coming back to the Panhandle!!


All scheduled riding lessons must be paid in advance to book a time. Payment may be made via cash, check, Venmo(SignatureQHC), Cashapp($SignatureQH), Zelle, Facebook Pay and PayPal (message us for email).

Cancellations: We require a minimum 24-hour notice if a lesson is to be cancelled. If you give less than a 24-hour notice, there is a $25 fee, you will still receive a makeup. No shows will not receive a makeup lesson.

Inclement Weather: Weather in Florida is often unpredictable. We do not cancel lessons for mild showers. However, if there is lightning and/or heavy rain, lessons will be cancelled, and you will be notified. Please note that bad weather does not constitute "missing a scheduled lesson," because lessons will be cancelled by the farm if there is bad weather. Contact Chelsea at 850-596-8864 to set up an appointment today!

Leather patch Ball caps $30

Leather patch Ball caps $30


We do offer riding lessons!
Our horse/our place: $45
Your horse/our place $40
Your place/your horse with Dara $60 within 30 miles.


6829 Keithley Road
Panama City, FL

Opening Hours

Monday 7am - 7pm
Tuesday 7am - 7pm
Wednesday 7am - 7pm
Thursday 7am - 7pm
Friday 7am - 7pm
Saturday 7am - 8pm
Sunday 7am - 1pm



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